(Installed in 2008)
This instrument provides NMR spectrum of a chosen nuclei of the sample. Nuclei with non-zero spins, when placed in a strong magnetic field precess at specific orientations with respect to the applied magnetic field. When radio frequency of appropriate energy is supplied, these nuclei flip to a higher energy state. The energy absorbed during this transition is a function of the type of nucleus and its chemical environment in the molecule. The excited nuclei are allowed to relax back to their ground state. During this process an electric signal is induced in a suitably placed RF coil. This signal which is monitored with respect to time is called free induction decay (FID). The Fourier transformation of this FID provides the conventional frequency domain NMR spectra.

Applications: Major application of NMR spectroscopy lies in the area of synthetic organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, polymer chemistry and organo-metallic chemistry. The advantage of pulse NMR is that by suitably programming, a variety of pulse sequences can be generated and applied to obtain diverse information like relaxation times, connectivity through bond and through space etc. Thus, by using FT-NMR it is possible to get information about chemical shift, spin-spin coupling as well as on conformational information of a particular molecule.


Magnet bore size: 89mm
Computer & Software: Hewlett Packerd Personal Computer with Intel Core processor (2.4 GHz) with TOPSPIN NMR Software.

Probes: A sensitive 5 mm multinuclear probes like BBO and inverse probe allow to study a large number of NMR sensitive nuclei such as 11B, 29Si, 31P, 119Sn etc.
Experiments: Experiments: 1-D 1H and 13C NMR Spectrum, Homo-nuclear Decoupling (Proton), Solvent suppression experiment, Hetero-nuclear Gated Decoupling experiment, Hetero-nuclear Inverse Gated Decoupling experiment, DEPT-135, DEPT-90 and DEPT-45 experiments, 2D COSY and NOESY Experiments, HMQC, HMBC etc.

Sample Requirements: Samples are accepted in solid or liquid form. Compounds should be highly pure; for 1H NMR, sample quantity should be 5 to 10 mg and for NMR of 13C, and other nuclei 40 to 50 mg; accurate information on the solubility of solid or semi-solid samples must be provided.
For optimal use of the instrument time, users are requested to submit concentrated samples (> 5 mM).

Contact Tel. No. : 0364 2721807; 0364 272 1813.