(Installed in 2001)
The graphite furnace VARIO 6 is a PC-controlled multi element automatic machine for sequential determination of traces and ultra traces of metals and semi-metals in liquid, solution and solid samples for research purposes. Vario 6 works in graphite tube, flame and hydride modes.

Physical science, Biological science, Medical Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geological Sciences, Pollution control studies etc. This instrument is used for more sensitive detection of those elements which has relatively lower sensitivity in AAS.

Available lamps: Cd, Co, Mn, Cu, Fe, Cr, Pb, Ni, Se, Zn, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Li.

Wavelength Range: 190 nm - 870 nm
Slit width: 0.2nm, 0.5 nm, 0.8nm, 1.2nm
Precision: (0.1-1) %
Accuracy: 1%
Units of concentration: mg/1, g/ml, ng/ml, g/1, ng/1
Available lamps: Na, Pt, Ag, Au, As.
N.B.: The detection limit and sensitivity varies from element to element.
Accessories: Microwave Digester (Perkin Elmer: MULTIWAVE 3000) working in the temperature range of up to 400°C and 1250 psi.
Instructions to users: About 1ml of sample is needed for detection of a single element.

Contact Tel. No. : 0364 2721808; 0364 272 1817.