
About the Library

The North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU) Library, which started with a collection of 600 books in 1973, is now a premier university library of the North-Eastern Region of India with a collection of over 2.9 lakh volumes of books and bound periodicals supplemented by the enormous information resources now available through the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium for Higher Education Resources and the links to global information resources and services provided on its webpage.

The NEHU Central Library is now equipped with high-end computers and other electronic and audio-visual equipment to provide seamless in-house and online services. Following the University Grants Commission's selection of North-Eastern Hill University as a "University with Potential for Excellence", the NEHU Library has launched a major effort to provide the best services through internal reorganisation, optimisation of available resources, launching of innovative services, and by taking the initiative to reach out to the user community through various programmes.

The NEHU Central Library at Shillong and the NEHU Campus Library at Tura cater to the needs of the students, research scholars, faculty, administrators and staff of the university.

The library building, funded by DoNER, was inaugurated on 20th September, 2006 by Shri P. R. Kyndiah, Hon'ble Union Minister of Tribal Affairs & DoNER, Govt. of India in the presence of Prof. P. Tandon, Vice Chancellor, NEHU, Shillong.



















e-ShodhSindhu Consortium



>e-ShodhSindhu journals >e-ShodhSindhu Databases

>J-Gate@e-ShodhSindhu > Web of Science

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OPAC Browse the books/journals collection of NEHU Library through the Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC)<> e-ShodhSindhu Consortium for Higher Education Resources-A Gateway to over 15000+ e-journals and databases <> J-Gate@e-ShodhSindhu <> Shodhganga - A Reservoir of Indian Thesis (Full-Text) <> Shodhgangotri - Synopsis of Indian Research in Progress <> NEHU Institutional Repository - Digital Collection of University Documents and other Resources <> Login/Register to use Anti-Plagiarism Software- For assistance/support to register/use the software and other ETD facilities you may contact the University Librarian