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(Installed in 2008)
(Installed in 2008)
Applications: Major application of NMR spectroscopy lies in the area of synthetic organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, polymer chemistry and organo-metallic chemistry. The advantage of pulse NMR is that by suitably programming, a variety of pulse sequences can be generated and applied to obtain diverse information like relaxation times, connectivity through bond and through space etc. Thus, by using FT-NMR it is possible to get information about chemical shift, spin-spin coupling as well as on conformational information of a particular molecule.
Magnet bore size: 89mm
Computer & Software: Hewlett Packerd Personal Computer with Intel Core processor (2.4 GHz) with TOPSPIN NMR Software.
Probes: A sensitive 5 mm multinuclear probes like BBO and inverse probe allow to study a large number of NMR sensitive nuclei such as 11B, 29Si, 31P, 119Sn etc.
Experiments: Experiments: 1-D 1H and 13C NMR Spectrum, Homo-nuclear Decoupling (Proton), Solvent suppression experiment, Hetero-nuclear Gated Decoupling experiment, Hetero-nuclear Inverse Gated Decoupling experiment, DEPT-135, DEPT-90 and DEPT-45 experiments, 2D COSY and NOESY Experiments, HMQC, HMBC etc.
Sample Requirements: Samples are accepted in solid or liquid form. Compounds should be highly pure; for 1H NMR, sample quantity should be 5 to 10 mg and for NMR of 13C, and other nuclei 40 to 50 mg; accurate information on the solubility of solid or semi-solid samples must be provided.
For optimal use of the instrument time, users are requested to submit concentrated samples (> 5 mM).
Contact Tel. No. : 0364 2721807; 0364 272 1813.