- Overview
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Library Revised Rates
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Internet including ETD related Services
The NEHU Central Library offers Internet access in the Cyber Room located on the first floor of the Library. The facility is extended only to the students, research scholars, faculty, administrative and technical staff of the University who are also registered members of the Library. The public access computers in the Cyber Room are provided primarily for Library-related activities, i.e., to access Library catalogs, e-journals & databases through e-ShodhSIndhu Consortium, websites, University-licensed digital resources and related links. Research Scholars may visit the ETD Lab for ETD related services including support to use the Anti-Plagiarism software.
The following are the prerequisites for availing the Internet access services provided by the NEHU Central Library:
Proof of identity (ID Card) must be furnished along with library registration
Students/Research Scholars must furnish their valid ID Cards bearing
their NEHU Library Registration Number.
Appropriate columns of the Users’ Register maintained at the Control
Desk must be filled in before and after using the facility.
NEHU students, research scholars, faculty and staff will be given precedence
in the use of the Library's Internet/Online services.
The purpose of providing Internet access is to further the research and instructional mission of the University. Library staff can offer assistance and instruction in the use of the Internet as a research and information resource. The Library does not monitor or control Internet content and cannot be held accountable for any information accessed through the Internet. The Library does not censor access or protect users from information that they may find offensive. However, users are expected to be aware of applicable University regulations governing display of sexually suggestive materials in the workplace as well as in public areas of the library. The library prohibits the access and display of information materials of any form not conducive to academic pursuit.
The Internet contains some material of a controversial nature. Users are responsible for choosing sites accessed and for using the resources in an appropriate manner. The Library bears no responsibility for Internet content. Users are responsible for scrutinizing information on the Internet for reliability and point of view.
Print and downloading capabilities are provided through all computers(including Thin Clients).. There is a fee for printing. Users are requested to get the assistance of the staff available before downloading/saving and printing.
Library Internet service users are requested to observe the NEHU Library Guidelines and relevant provisions of the Indian Copyright Act.