- Overview
Location Guide
Library Rules
Library Revised Rates
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Library Rules
1. To become a member, an applicant must fill out the registration
form and submit it through proper channel to the University Librarian.
2. The Library is primarily for the use of students, faculty, officers,
non-teaching employees and technical staff of the University.
3. Teachers of affiliated colleges of NEHU can also become members
under “Other Categories” subject to fulfilment of enrolment
4. On special request, Students, Research Scholars and Faculty of
other Universities/Institutions can also avail the Library facilities
for a shorter period for academic purposes with written permission
of the University Librarian. An endorsement from the concerned Head
of Institution/Department or Supervisor on letterhead will be acceptable.
5. The privilege of borrowing books from the Library is restricted
to registered library members only.
6. Research scholars from other universities/institutes can avail
the Library facilities with the approval of the University Librarian.
Such temporary membership is for consultation, reference, and photocopying
services only.
7. A fine of Rs. 2.00 per day will be collected for a general book
kept beyond the due date. A fine of Rs.5/- per day will be realised
for a Course Book kept beyond the due date.
8. Loose issues and bound volumes of periodicals are not for issue.
9. A book will only be issued to a Library member against production
of Library Passbook/Borrower’s ID Card issued by the Library.
10. The Borrower’s ID Cards of Students/Research Scholars will
remain valid for the period mentioned on the Borrower’s ID Cards
and must be renewed in time.
11. The University Librarian reserves the right to recall any book
from any Library member at any time.
12. The loan period may be shortened by the University Librarian
if the books are on special demand.
13. A book borrowed from the Library may be renewed for a further
period provided no other reader has reserved the same.
14. Library members are responsible for the safe custody of the
Library Passbooks/Borrower’s ID Cards issued to them.
15. Tampering with the entries/records on the Library Passbook can render library membership liable to suspension.
16. Library members must not cause any disturbance or engage in
any behaviour which interferes with Library activities. Proscribed
behaviour includes (but is not limited to) verbal abuse, threats
of violence, sexual harassment, or use of aggressive words to harass
any person.
17. Library members must not carry lethal weapons or other potentially
dangerous items inside the Library.
18. Stern action will be initiated against Library members found
vandalizing or defacing the Library building, furniture or equipment.
19. Loss of Library Passbook/Borrower’s ID Card should be
reported to the Circulation Section and Course-Books Section immediately.
20. Duplicate Library Passbook/Borrower’s ID Cards will be issued
after one week from the date of application on payment of Rs. 25/100 respectively.
21. Members shall be held responsible for any loss which the Library
may suffer through the loss or misuse of their Library Passbooks/Borrower’s
ID Card(s).
22. In case of loss of a book by the borrower he/she shall either
replace the book or bear its cost. If the book is out of print,
it may be replaced with a bound photocopy as per library specifications.
If the book of a multi volume set is damaged or lost the member
concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set or pay four times
the cost of the same.
23. Library Passbooks/Borrower’s ID Cards are not transferable.
24. Library members must not remove or attempt to take library materials,
equipment or property without proper checkout or other official
Library authorization.
25. Library members must not conceal library materials in the Library
for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
26. Library members must not mutilate library materials by marking,
underlining, removing pages or portions of pages, removing binding
or in any other way damage or deface library materials.
27. Library members must not enter unauthorized areas of the Library,
remain in the Library after closing or refuse to leave the Library
when requested to leave during emergency situations.
28. Library members shall be required to pay the penalty imposed
upon them by the University Librarian for any damage caused by them
to the books or any other property belonging to the Library.
29. Any damage or missing pages detected in a book must be reported
to the staff before borrowing the same, failing which the borrower
shall be held responsible for the damage/mutilation.
30. Members leaving the library should stop at the exit so that
the books borrowed or materials taken out of the library by them
may be checked by the Library Gate-Keepers/Security Staff.
31. Upon any infringement of the library rules members shall forfeit
the privileges of admission to and membership of the library.
32. The University Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership
of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or disrupting
the peaceful Library atmosphere.
33. The Library membership of any member found tearing pages or
caught while attempting to steal books will be suspended forthwith
from using the library facilities and further disciplinary action
will be initiated by the University.
34. Members are instructed not to bring casual visitors/friends
or outsiders for using the library facilities without the prior
permission of the University Librarian.
Internet facility is restricted to the registered members of the
NEHU Library only. No outsiders are allowed to use this facility.
Prior permission of the University Librarian must be obtained by
visitors or research scholars from other institutions availing consultation
2. Library members who need to use the Internet services must produce
valid proof of identity.
3. Library members must record their names and other details in
the Users’ Register before and after using the Internet services.
Maximum time allowed per session of browsing is 1 hour under normal
accessibility conditions.
4. Library members must make use of the Internet facility only to
support their academic and research activities.
5. Library members are requested to help in identifying the unauthorized
users since the Library’s Internet facility is only for registered
library members.
6. Library members are requested to bring to the notice of the University
Librarian any misuse of the computer systems.
7. Library members must not intentionally read other users’
computer screens, unless invited to do so, as such inappropriate
behaviour amounts to breach of privacy.
8. Library members must not monopolize the computer resources, i.e.,
using more than one computer at a time or spending an inordinate
amount of time on a computer. When other library members are waiting,
Internet service users are expected to observe the posted time limit.
9. Library members must not install any software not specifically
approved by the Library. Word-processing and other application software
considered indispensable for academic activities are preloaded on
all the computers in the Cyber Room.
10. Library members must not attempt to bypass system restrictions
or tamper with system files or applications. Unauthorized access
to system files and/or attempting to disrupt the integrity of the
system(s) tantamount to violation of Library Rules and Regulations.
11. Library members found transmitting, disseminating, printing
or downloading sexually explicit images or sound recordings will
be deemed to voluntarily invoke suspension of their library membership.
12. Library members behaving in an abusive or harassing manner in
the use of the Internet facilities provided by the Library will
not be allowed further use of the Internet services.
13. Library members must not indulge in unauthorized copying of
copyright-protected materials. Library members are expected to observe
relevant copyright laws and regulations.
14. Library members must not deliberately waste or overload the
computer resources.
15. Stern action will be taken against Library members maliciously
accessing, altering, deleting, damaging or destroying any computer
system, network computer program or data.