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Library services
- Bibliography-on-Request (BIBLIOQUEST)
- Citation Verification Service (CVS)
- Database Search Service (DSS)
- Document Delivery Service (DDS)
- E-Query Service
- E-Mail Alerts (CAS/SDI)
BIBLIOGRAPHY-ON-REQUEST:Bibliography-On-Request is a customised service offered to the students, research scholars, faculty and administrative officials of the university who are also registered members of the university library. This service, provided by the Documentation Section, has been launched on the library's website with a view to providing library members an appropriate channel for obtaining the request form for bibliographies or reading lists on diverse topics relevant to their proposed or ongoing dissertation work, doctoral and post-doctoral research, or NEHU/UGC-sponsored projects. The comprehensiveness of a bibliography is subject to availability and accessibility of relevant sources, and the accuracy of the items in the bibliography depends upon the sources consulted. All requests are subject to authentication of the applicants' membership in NEHU Central Library, Shillong or NEHU Campus Library, Tura.View/Save/Print the Request Form
CITATION VERIFICATION SERVICE: Citation Verification Service is a new service launched by the Documentation Section, NEHU Central Library to assist the students, research scholars and faculty of the university in the verification of citations/references and authentication of bibliographical details of books, articles, reports, theses and other published material consulted and/or required to be used by them in the preparation of assignments, dissertations, theses, and project proposals. The service has been launched on the library’s website with a view to providing library members an appropriate mechanism for verification of citations/references obtained from sources other than authoritative indexing and abstracting services offered by reputed publishers and licensed database producers. The outcome of the verification/authentication process is subject to availability and accessibility of relevant databases, and the level of accuracy of the citations/references depends upon the source databases consulted. All requests are subject to authentication of the applicants’ membership in NEHU Central Library, Shillong or NEHU Campus Library, Tura.View/Save/Print the Request Form
DATABASE SEARCH SERVICE: Database Search Service (DBSS) is a new service launched by the Documentation Section, NEHU Central Library specifically for the M.Phil./Ph.D. scholars and university faculty for obtaining information critical to their proposed or ongoing dissertations, theses, post-doctoral research and other project work. The accuracy of the search results will be determined by the specificity and validity of keywords/combinations of search terms selected by the applicants, as well as the availability and accessibility of authoritative and licensed online/CD-ROM databases. All requests are subject to authentication of the applicants' membership in NEHU Central Library, Shillong or NEHU Campus Library, Tura. View/Save/Print the DBSS Request Form. IMPORTANT: 1)Request Form submitted as E-Mail attachment will also be accepted. 2)All requests will be attended to only on University working days. 3)Search results will normally be delivered as E-Mail attachment at the E-Mail address submitted by the applicant. 4)Spot payment is required for obtaining print-outs/photocopies of search results. 5)Applicants will be informed about the amount required to be paid in advance for fax transmission, courier or speed post delivery of search results. 6)In case no response is received within one week, an applicant may contact the Information Scientist on (91-364)2721262 (Monday-Friday).
DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICE:The Document Delivery Service is a new service initiated by INFLIBNET in collaboration with six university libraries which serve as Document Delivery Centres and deliver, on demand at nominal cost, the copies of papers from learned journals, conference proceedings and other materials available in their collections. The role of INFLIBNET is mainly to act as a catalyst in promoting this service to the academic and research community in India. This service is being operationalised in the North-Eastern Hill University by the Documentation Section of the NEHU Central Library, Shillong. THE SERVICE:The service is open to any one who is working or studying in the academic and research institutions, government departments and other public funded organizations. Requests from profit making and commercial organizations will also be accepted. However, priority will be given to the requests received from registered members of NEHU Central Library, Shillong and NEHU Campus Library, Tura. TYPES OF MATERIALS OBTAINABLE:Following materials which are not available in the NEHU Central Library, Shillong or NEHU Campus Library, Tura, can be requested under this service. Articles from journals ,Papers from seminars and conference proceedings ,Any other materials required for academic and research purposes, depending on the availability and policies of respective Document Delivery Centres. Please note that there is no restriction on number of items to be requested at a time. However, separate request forms must be used for each item. REQUEST FOR MATERIALS:The request, listing the items required with complete bibliographical details, can be submitted through the following options: 1)Filled in Request Form sent as Email Attachment 2)By Post & 3)In Person .Requests with incomplete bibliographical information of items required will not be entertained. MODES OF DELIVERY OF MATERIALS:Requested materials will be delivered using any one of the following options depending on your need and payment. 1)Electronic document delivery using email 2)Fax 3)Speed post / courier 4)Normal post .DELIVERY TIME:Each Document Delivery Centre will make best effort to deliver the requested materials as early as possible. However, following schedule will be adhered to: 1)For rush/urgent orders (by fax/speed post) within 48 hours from the time of receipt of orders 2)In case of routine requests, within maximum five days from the date of receipt of request. In case the requested material is not available, suitable response will be sent by the concerned Document Delivery Centre within 24 hours and the same conveyed to the library member by the Documentation Section of NEHU Central Library. DOCUMENT DELIVERY CHARGES:The fee for the service is charged depending on the type of members and mode of delivery. Following fee in general will be charged by all the Six Document Delivery Centres. Rates for INFLIBNET Member Libraries:1)Electronic Document Delivery using Internet options is Rs. 5.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.5.00 for subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 2)Photocopy is Rs. 10.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.10.00 for every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 3)Fax/Courier/Speed Post will be rate charged for photocopy plus actual charges of Fax/Courier/Speed Post. Rates for Non-Member Libraries:1)Electronic Document Delivery using Internet options is Rs. 7.50 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.7.50 for subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 2)Photocopy is Rs. 15.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.15.00 for every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 3)Fax/Courier/Speed Post will be rate charged for photocopy plus actual charges of Fax/Courier/Speed Post Rates for Commercial Organisations:1)Electronic Document Delivery using Internet options is Rs. 10.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.10.00 for every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 2)Photocopy is Rs. 20.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.20.00 for every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 3)Fax/Courier/Speed Post will be rate charged for photocopy plus actual charges of Fax/Courier/Speed Post MODES OF PAYMENT:The members and Associated member libraries of INFLIBNET can make the payment on supply of requested materials. However the accounts should be settled on quarterly basis. All non-member, commercial organizations and individuals will have to pay in advance. To avoid the delay and paper work, it is suggested that a deposit account with minimum of Rs.500/- may be opened. Payment towards all outstation requests be made through Demand Draft drawn in favour of respective Document Delivery Centre (e.g. Head, Document Delivery Centre, Indian Institute of Science in case of Indian Institute of Science). For local requests made in person payment be made by cash. OBTAINING MATERIALS FROM OTHER AGENCIES:Every Document Delivery Centre will make the required effort to procure and supply the papers from other institutions. In such cases, requests will be routed to INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) which has made arrangements with different agencies for supply of documents. To view/save/print the Request Form
E-Query Service is a Web-enabled contemporary reference service offered
to the registered members of the NEHU Central Library, Shillong and NEHU
Campus Library, Tura. The Documentation, Reference and Enquiry Sections
of the NEHU Central Library together handle queries received in person
or by post/e-Mail. E-Queries may sometimes need to be followed-up with
telephone, fax, regular mail, or personal interactions. E-Query Service
is provided in two forms:1)In instances where information can readily
be obtained from sources available in the NEHU Central Library, appropriate
and brief information gathered in response will be sent to the enquirer
through e-Mail within three consecutive working days from the date of
receipt of the query (subject to availability of Internet/LAN connections).
2)In instances where the nature of the query and the information sought
warrant retrieval of extensive data/information/graphics from print and/or
digital resources, the responses will generally include contact information
or links to specific websites, databases and other information resources.
In such cases, a period of at least one week may be required by the library
to respond. Library members are informed that the comprehensiveness and
accuracy of the information sent in response to queries are subject to
availability (both in-house and online) and accessibility (whether free
or registration/subscription-based) of relevant resources and services.
Library members are further informed that their e-Mail addresses will
not be distributed or publicised for purposes other than those required
for providing services to them. However, all questions received through
E-Query Service may be stored in a database unless removal of specific
questions is requested. EXCEPTIONS TO E-QUERY SERVICE:Queries
on the following types of information will not be entertained:1)Personal
information about the University/Library staff and officers.2)Information
about the University/Library services already posted on this website.3)Information
not directly related to academic/research pursuits. All requests
are subject to authentication of the applicants’ membership in NEHU
Central Library, Shillong or NEHU Campus Library, Tura. All E-Queries
are subject to screening and authentication of senders’ E-Mail addresses
at the initial stage for registration purposes.Send
your E-Query to nehulib_query@yahoo.com. IMPORTANT:
The NEHU Central Library does not necessarily endorse all the information,
services and products offered on the websites of external service providers/institutions/organisations
and must not be held responsible for any incidental loss or damage or
nuisance arising out of the use of the services offered, or consequent
to viewing of sponsored advertisements posted, on such websites.
E-MAIL ALERTS SERVICE:E-Mail Alerts Service is a special service offered to the registered members of the NEHU Central Library, Shillong and NEHU Campus Library, Tura who submit their User Interest Profiles. This service, which provides web-based Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI), has been launched by the Documentation Section, NEHU Central Library on the library's website with a view to providing the registered library members an appropriate channel for receiving the latest updates, news, events, trends, and research and development concerning their areas of interest or specific area of specialisation. The comprehensiveness and accuracy of the information sent through E-Mail Alerts Service is subject to availability and accessibility of relevant resources and services. Library members are informed that the information provided by them on the User Interest Profile Form will not be distributed or publicised for purposes other than those required for providing services to them. All requests are subject to authentication of the applicants' membership in NEHU Central Library, Shillong or NEHU Campus Library, Tura. View/Save/Print the User Interest Profile Form N.B.: The NEHU Central Library does not necessarily endorse all the information, services and products offered on the websites of external service providers/institutions/organisations and must not be held responsible for any incidental loss or damage or nuisance arising out of the use of the services offered, or consequent to viewing of sponsored advertisements posted, on such websites.
- Audio-Visual and Microform Services
- Consultation Services for Visitors/Scholars from Other Institutions
- Contents Alerts
- Databases available in the Library
- Enquiry Desk
- Inter-Library Loan Services
- Internet Access
- Lending, Renewal & Reservation Services
- List of Additions(Books)
- Library Tours and User Orientation Programmes
- Reprography/Word-Processing/Scanning Services
- User Awareness Lecture-cum-Demonstrations