Advertisement for SRF in Department of Physics

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the DAE-BRNS, Govt. of India funded Project, entitled “Continuing EXFOR compilations and Participating in the Measurement of High Energy Photon and Neutron Induced Reaction Cross-sections of Structural Material and Material related to Medical Isotopes”. 

Name of the post  No of Post  Essential Qualification  Experiences
PROJECT FELLOW (SRF)  Two (2)  M.Sc in Physics with at least 60% marks having specialization in Nuclear Physics.  Four year’s working experience in the research area of the above mentioned Project, having knowledge of Nuclear Data and EXFOR compilation using IAEA-Sarov EXFOR Editor and Gsys digitizer and acquaintance with Nuclear Reaction Libraries such as ENDF, CENDL, JENDL etc . 

General Instructions:

  1. Applications with complete bio-data and self-attested copies of certificates should reach Prof. B .Jyrwa, Physics Department, North Eas tern Hill University, Shillong -793022 (email within 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement..
  2. No TA/DA will be provided if called for interview.

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