National Seminar on Human Rights concludes in NEHU on a high with signing of MoU with a film Production Company

Date: Apr 3, 2023

Under the joint auspices of National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi and Department of Hindi, NEHU, a two-day national seminar was organized at NEHU, Shillong on the topic 'Different Perspectives of Human Rights in Literature and Society'. On this occasion, as the keynote speaker of the program, Prof. Soma Bandhopadhyay discussed the various dimensions of human rights. “Human rights depend on social consciousness which can be restored through proper education” she said. She mentioned the human values â??â??and rights inherent in Indian literature and presented the outline of human rights from Premchand’s literary workds to the writers of different languages. She also said that literature enhances sensitivity which is the pivot of human rights.

The chief guest of the program and member of the National Human Rights Commission, Mr. Dnyaneshwar Manohar Mulay described human existence as a part of human rights and said that where there are human beings, there are human rights. For this it is necessary for the human being to be sensitive. Mr. Mulay described the ancient Indian traditions as endowed with human rights and the edicts of Ashoka as the first manifesto of human rights which was inscribed by Ashoka for his subjects after the Kalinga victory. In his multifaceted statement, the chief guest emphasized on rights and said that if you do not raise your voice, you will not be able to use your fundamental and legal rights.

In his presidential address, the Vice-Chancellor of NEHU urged everyone to take human duties together so that human rights can be protected. Prof. Shukla insisted that the all-round development of man is possible only with the coordination of all. He expressed his views on the superiority of Indian culture and described the concept of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' as the basis of our culture. The Vice-Chancellor gave examples of the events of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka in the past years on the issues of human rights and conflicts going on in the present world. He emphasized that if anyone can take the world away from conflicts, it is Indian culture. He mentioned that the elements of 'Sarvajan Sukhaya and Sarvajan Hitaya' are inherent in the Indian culture.

In his presidential address during the closing ceremony, the Vice - Chancellor of NEHU said that “A house where the human rights of women are protected, the women are safe and secure.” At the same time, he told that by violating the boundaries, there has been violation of rights in the family and society as a result of which people are forgetting their duties.

The closing ceremony also included the signing of MoU between NEHU and film production company Black Screen. The MoU has been signed to collaborate on the process of making a film in NEHU. Director of Film Production company Black Screen, Prasenjeet Mishra told that “when I first came to NEHU in the month of September last year, I never thought that I would get to shoot my film. I got theentire location and some beautiful talented actors working with me in my film "Intezaar" from within NEHU.”

“It is really an honor for me, my team and the entire film fraternity to do this work with NEHU Vice Chancellor Prof. Prabha Shankar Shukla and his team, so that we can also open a filmmaking related course in this beautiful University. It will be dream come true when Black Screen Studio in joint collaboration with NEHU will be grooming the best of talent from here and also introducing them to the world of cinema.” He said.