Biomedical Engineering Society Club hosted its First Alumni Homecoming event on "Career Perspectives in Biomedical Engineering"

Date: Jun 8, 2024

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, was a hub of excitement as the Biomedical Engineering Society Club hosted its first Alumni Homecoming event centered on “Career Perspectives in Biomedical Engineering.” The department’s seminar hall was filled with a blend of alumni, students, and faculty members, all eager for a day of inspiration and professional networking. The anticipation for the 11:00 a.m. start was palpable, with many arriving early on campus while others joined remotely via Google Meet, enhancing the event's dynamic atmosphere.

A total of six invited alumni from biomedical engineering industries and academia, both from India and abroad, participated in the event. Additionally, about 100 participants attended, contributing to the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere.

The event commenced with a warm welcome from Dr. Nitin Sahai, Chairman of the Biomedical Engineering Society Club. His heartfelt words set an inspiring tone, emphasizing the significance of alumni reconnecting and sharing their professional journeys. The air was thick with enthusiasm as notable alumni Mr. Bimalendu Deka, Mr. Pankaj Das, Mr. Luish Pritam Das, and Mr. Mridupaban Deka, proudly adorned in traditional Khasi 'Ryndia' shawls, stood as symbols of their successful careers. Professor S. S. Ray, Head, Department of Biomedical Engineering, then illuminated the room with his insights on innovation versus discovery, inspiring attendees with his visionary thoughts on the future of biomedical engineering.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the sessions with distinguished alumni, who shared their experiences both in person and virtually. Bimalendu Deka, currently a Production and Quality Assurance Manager at Primary Health Tech Pvt. Ltd., spoke about his plans to pursue a master's degree at the University of Twente, Netherland. He credited NEHU for developing his foundational knowledge and project management skills, highlighting the institution's crucial role in his career path. Pankaj Das, an Application Specialist at InnAccel, captivated the audience with tales of his professional climb, emphasizing the importance of continuous education, practical experience from internships, and mentoring. He discussed how overcoming obstacles helped him advance in his career, underscoring the need for flexibility in the ever-evolving field of biomedical technology.

Mr. Luish Pritam Das, a Fellow at RRC-NE, Guwahati, Assam shared his journey in the public health arena, audit trails, and freelance work, offering a unique perspective on combining nuclear physics with public health. He encouraged students to explore diverse opportunities within biomedical engineering, emphasizing the importance of curiosity and diligence. Mridupaban Deka, recognized for his innovative work at Primary Health Tech Pvt. Ltd., discussed skill development and entrepreneurship. He urged students to craft robust CVs and seize opportunities amidst challenges, sharing his experiences of innovation and professional growth.

The virtual sessions were equally engaging. Mr. Uddipta Bora from GE Healthcare delved into the complexities of Tele-ICU and Electronic Medical Records, illustrating how to architect the future of healthcare with innovation and compassion. Ms. Dipanjana Paul from Kolkata discussed the intersection of technical expertise and marketing, promoting salesmanship in healthcare as a launchpad for fresh biomedical dreams. Ms. Dhritica Bora shared her journey from NEHU to Ireland, encouraging students to utilize exams like GRE and IELTS/TOEFL to achieve global opportunities. Ms. Sudarshana Barman, a researcher at the University of Groningen, highlighted international research opportunities and the importance of scholarships, urging juniors to broaden their academic horizons and develop a global perspective.

Following the sessions, speeches from professors like Dr. Dinesh Bhatia added depth to the interactions. His insightful remarks on the evolving field of biomedical engineering were complemented by engaging discussions led by Mr. Shyamal Mandal and Dr. Manashjit Gogoi. They fostered a friendly and collaborative environment, urging participants to seize the transformative possibilities of this inaugural event.

The forward-thinking seminar was skillfully moderated by Tania Acharjee and Tabassum Warisa, who facilitated an intellectual symphony during the Q&A sessions, ensuring every conversation resonated with the promise of future breakthroughs. The event concluded with refreshments, allowing attendees to continue networking in an informal setting.

Alumni bid farewell, promising to recreate this memorable day in future gatherings. The alumni, faculty, and students expressed their appreciation for the event, vowing to keep the spirit of this reunion alive. The homecoming event was a resounding success, marking the beginning of a cherished tradition for the Department of Biomedical Engineering at NEHU, Shillong. The department extends heartfelt thanks to all who attended and contributed to making the inaugural homecoming event both memorable and meaningful.