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Head of Department

Prof. Rajkumar Giridhari Singh
Email: hodcom@nehu.ac.in
Contact: 0364 2307930 3161


Department of Commerce, 
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 22 


  • Master in Commerce
  • Ph.D in Commerce
  • Announcements

    Faculty members

    About the Department

    The Department of Commerce was first established in the erstwhile Nagaland campus of NEHU at Kohima in 1981. The only programme then run by the department was the Master’s programme with the intake capacity of only 20 students. In 1994 the department along with other departments in the erstwhile Nagaland campus of NEHU ceased to exist following the implementation of Nagaland University Act. The department of commerce was established afresh under the School of Economics, Management and Information Sciences at Shillong in the year 1996 with two main objectives: to provide business education, which aims at developing analytical thinking and individual initiative and responsibility; and to provide flexible, innovative programs and support services that are responsive to a broad range of students and regional needs.

    Presently, the department enjoys the faculty strength of 6 regular teachers (against the sanctioned strength of eight) in addition to some visiting faculties who are at times invited to supplement the regular teaching and interaction.  Despite the teaching problem in the early years, the department has grown into a full-fledged department with resources both faculty and facilities for specialization in Finance, and Entrepreneurship. Presently there are two regular programmes, Masters and Doctoral, run in the department along with some other need based short run informal programmes like NET coaching and career counselling. The Department is equipped with a Computer Lab and a Learning Resource Centre. The Department along with the regular programmes conducts industrial tours for the students, refresher courses for the college and university teachers and some need-based training programmes. Conferences/seminars/workshops at national and regional levels are also organized by the department on a regular basis. The thrust area of the Department is identified as Accounting & Finance and Entrepreneurship & Management of Small Business. The syllabus for the master’s programme has been designed in consonance with the above thrust areas and periodic revision is undertaken in order to incorporate the recent developments in the subjects.  The M. Com programme curriculum has been revised in the light of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).