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Head of Department

Prof. H. K. Mishra
Email: hodhin@nehu.ac.in
Contact: 0364 2307930 3514


Department of Hindi
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong 793 022


  • M.A Hindi
  • M.Phil
  • Ph.D in Hindi
  • Faculty members

    About the Department

    MA Hindi Syllabus 2023

    The Department of Hindi, established in 1996, has been conducting M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes. Keeping in mind the broader concept of Human values and ‘Unity within Diversity’, the Department is trying to inculcate harmony, integration and beauty of co-existence among the students of all the states of the North-eastern region through the study of literature for greener, safer and  peaceful World in future. To disseminate the knowledge of indigenous language, literature and culture, the Department  is working hard in the following ways :

    1. Comparative study of the North-Eastern poetry, folklore, folk songs etc. through Ph.D. and M.Phil. research work.
    2. Translation of North-Eastern literature in Hindi and vise-versa as a part of Hindi M.A. syllabus and research.
    3. Developing the Dictionaries of the North-Eastern languages with the help of various institutes like Central Institute of Hindi, Central Hindi Directorate etc.)  Two basic dictionaries of Khasi and Garo have already been developed.
    4. The Department has been organizing seminars, symposiums, workshops, conferences, invited lectures etc. on various topics related to the language, literature and culture of NE Region of India.
    5. The Department has been conducting ‘Study Tours’ to enable the students NE Region to develop a better understanding of different languages, societies and cultures in the country.
    6. The Department has always made an effort to sensitize the people in other parts of India about the language, literature and culture of the North-East.