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Head of Department

Dr. Ardeline M. Buhphang
Email: hodmath@nehu.ac.in
Contact: 0364 2307930 2721


Department of Mathematics,
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong 793 022 


  • M.Sc. in Mathematics
  • Ph.D in Mathematics
  • Faculty members

    About the Department


    The Department gives quality and rigorous M.Sc and Ph.D. courses in different branches of mathematics namely algebra, analysis, differential equations, topology, geometry and graph theory. The Department has been pursuing fundamental research and has emphasized the quality of the research output. It has also adapted itself to the present scenario of aiding basic research by computers. It gives two computer courses in M.Sc. and also pursues research in computer aided approach to mathematical research in numerical analysis, fluid dynamics, group theory and graph theory.


    Courses offered by the department are

    1. M. Sc
    2. Ph. D

    Thrust Area

    Nonlinear Functional Analysis (Metric Fixed-Point Theory), Approximation Theory, Variational Inequalities, Operator Theory, Mathematical Modelling, Associative Algebras, Differential Geometry, Finsler Geometry, Numerical Analysis, Fractional Differential Calculus, Scientific Computing, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Complex Analysis, Rings of continuous functions, Algebraic & Differential Topology, Graph Theory, Group Theory, Poset Theory, Knot theory.