Designation: Professor
Department: Physics
Ph.D. Supervised:
Joint- Supervised:
Radon monitoring in groundwater of the Northern India region to study the Neotectonic activities and health hazard. BRNS-DAE (2007-10) Measurement of Radon, Thoron and Gamma radiation level in three districts of Meghalaya. BRNS- DAE, (2016-19).
Climate change assessment in selectd areas of Meghalaya using meteorological Measurements and its impact on water resources. DST (2019-2022)
International Journals:
National Journals:
International Proceedings:
Books Chapter:
1.R. Khanata - Laboratoire de Physique Quantique et de Modélisation Mathématique de la Matière, (LPQ3 M), Université de Mascara 29000, Mascara, Algeria