Dr. B. Das

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Statistics


  • Ph.D. in Statistics from Gauhati University in the year 2012
  • M.Sc. in Statistics from Gauhati University in the year 2006 securing first class.
  • B.Sc. (Major in Statistics) from Cotton College, Guwahati (Gauhati University) in the year 2004 securing first class.
  • HSSLC from Handique Girls College, Guwahati (AHSEC) in the year 2001 securing second class.
  • HSLC from Dadara Higher Secondary School, Dadara (SEBA) in the year 1999 securing first class.

Academic ID

Vidwan ID:    123109                                   
Scopus ID:   38561178900 
ORCID ID:    0000-0001-9175-0648                       
Researcher ID:          AAM-2930-2020
Google Scholar ID:   IMtsOmIAAAAJ         


Work Experience:

  • Working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya since 17th April, 2013
  • Principal Investigator of the Major Research Project entitled “Statistical Analysis of Wastage of Manpower in Assam” in the Department of Statistics under Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A), of Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi.
  • Part time Lecturer in Statistics in B. Borooah College, Guwahati, Assam.

UGC HRDC/ MMTTC Programmes

  1. Completed the 29th Orientation Programme at UGC, Human Resource Development Center, NEHU, Shillong held during 23rd June to 20th July, 2014.
  2. Completed Summer School in Basic Sciences at UGC, Human Resource Development Center, NEHU, Shillong held during 4th July, to 24th July, 2018
  3. Completed Short Term Course in Research Methodology at UGC, Human Resource Development Center, NEHU, Shillong held during 27th May to 1st June, 2019
  4. Completed Refresher Course in Statistics at UGC, Human Resource Development Center, NEHU, Shillong held during 15th February to 27th February, 2021.
  5. Completed 6th Faculty Induction Programme at UGC MMTTC, NEHU, Shillong held during 9th September, 2021 to 8th October, 2021.
  6. Completed the Professional Development Programme on ‘Implementation of NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers organized by IGNOU, New Delhi held during 7th to 15th October, 2022.
  7. Completed NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme (MMC-109-2024-JUN-B-02139) at UGC-MMTTC University of North Bengal held during 18th June to 26th June, 2024.


Publication in Journals

  1. Imliyangba and Das, B., Wrapped Generalised Lindley Distribution with Application to Directional Data. (Accepted in Statistics and Application, 23(1), 2025. (on 08/10/2024)
  2. Obeidat, S.T., Das, D., Eliwa, M.S., Das, B., Hazarika, P. J. and Mohammed, W.W. (2025), Two-Dimensional Probability Models for the Weighted Discretized Fréchet–Weibull Random Variable with Min–Max Operators: Mathematical Theory and Statistical Goodness-of-Fit Analysis, Mathematics, 13 (4), 625. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/math13040625
  3. Das, D., Alshammari, T. S., Rashedi, K. A., Das, B., Hazarika, P. J.. & Eliwa, M.S. (2024). Discrete Joint Random Variables in Fréchet-Weibull Distribution: A Comprehensive Mathematical Framework with Simulations, Goodness-of-Fit Analysis, and Informed Decision-Making. Mathematics, 12(21), 3401, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/math12213401
  4. Das, D., Das, B. & Hazarika P. J. (2023). Discretized Version of Generalized Gompertz Distribution with Application to Real Life Data. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences. 19 (1): 441-456. DOI: https://doi.org/10.59467/IJASS.2023.19.441
  5. Das, D. & Das, B. (2023). Discretized Fréchet –Weibull Distribution: Properties and Application. Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics. 24(1): 1–40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41096-023-00153-w
  6. Das, D. & Das, B. (2023). On Weighted Discretized Fréchet-Weibull Distribution with Application to real life data. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences. 7(5): 791-806. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18576/amis/170506
  7. Chettri, S., Das, B., Imliyangba, & Hazarika, P. J. (2022). A Generalized form of Power Transformation on Exponential Family of Distribution with Properties and Application. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 18(3): 511-535. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18187/pjsor.v18i3.38837.
  8. Chettri, S., Das, B., & Chakraborty, S. (2021). A New Modified Alpha Power Weibull Distribution: Properties, Parameter Estimation and Application. Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics. 22(1): 417-449. DOI:10.1007/s41096-021-00111-4
  9. Deka, D., Das, B., Baruah, B. K. & Baruah, B. (2021).  Some Properties on Frechet-weibull distribution with Application to Real Life Data. Mathematics and Statistics, 9(1): 8-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13189/ms.2021.090102
  10. Deka, D., Bhanita Das, Upama Deka & Bhupen Kumar Baruah (2021). Bivariate Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution (BTEGD) and Concomitant of Its Order Statistics. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 11(3):3563-3593. DOI: https://doi.org/10.28919/jmcs/5711
  11. Upama Deka, Deepshikha Deka & Bhanita Das (2021). Concomitants of Order Statistics for Bivariate Exponentiated Inverted Weibull Distribution. Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, 11(5): 6444-6467. DOI: https://doi.org/10.28919/jmcs/6254
  12. Cherti, S. & Das, B. (2021). A Study on Various Transformation Method of Weibull Distribution: A Review. Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 13(3): 1-12). DOI: 10.9734/ajpas/2021/v13i330307
  13. Imliyangba, Das, B and Chetri, S. (2021), Generalised Rank Mapped Transmutted Distributions with Properties and Application: A Review, Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 13(3): 44-61). DOI: 10.9734/ajpas/2021/v13i330309
  14. Deka, U. & Das, B. (2021). Concomitants of record values arising from bivariate exponentiated inverted Weibull Distribution, Assam Statistical Review, 33(2): 33-51
  15. Baruah, B. K. & Das, B. (2021). Basic Statistics in Water Quality Assessment : A Review on Water Quality Index (WQI) Model, Assam Statistical Review, 33(1), 24-37
  16. Deka, D. & Das, B. (2019). On Concomitants of Upper Record Statistics and Survival Analysis for Morgenstern Type Bivariate Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution. International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, 6(2): 239-251. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijsrmss/v6i2.239251
  17. Deka, D. & Das, B. (2019). Percentage Points of Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution (TEGD). International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, 6(4): 62-66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijsrmss/v6i4.6266
  18. Deka, D., Das, B., & Baruah, B.K. (2017). Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution (TEGD) and its Application to Water Quality Data. Pakistan Journal of Statistics & Operation Research. 13(1): 115-126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18187/pjsor.v13i1.1636
  19. 19, Bhupen K Baruah, B. Das, and A.K. Misra. (2014). Modification of Indigenous Rural Water Filter for Arsenic Mitigation using Different Bamboo Charcoals. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(6): 1060-1065.
  20. B.K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, C. Medhi and A.K. Misra. (2012). Fertility status of soil in the tea garden belts of Golaghat District of Assam, India. Journal of Chemistry, 2013: 1-6. DOI: 10.1155/2013/983297. (ISSN:2090-9071). (www.hindawipublication.com).
  21. Bhanita Das, K. K. Das and B. K. Baruah. (2012). A Study on Wastage of Manpower in Educational Institutions of Darrang District, Assam, India. Advances in Applied Science Research, 3(6):310-317. (ISSN: 0976-8610). (www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com)
  22. Bhanita Das, K.K. Das and B.K. Baruah. (2012). Identification of Factors Affecting Wastage of Manpower in Educational Institutions of Dhubri District, Assam, India. Advances in Applied Science Research, 3(6): 310-317. (ISSN: 0976-8610). (www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com)
  23. K.K. Das, Bhanita Das and B.K. Baruah. (2012). Percentage points of Weighted Inverse Gaussian Distribution. Intl. J. Statistics & Analysis, 2(3): 233-237. (ISSN: 2248-9959). (www.ripublication.com).
  24. K.K. Das, Bhanita Das and B.K. Baruah. (2012). A comparative study on concomitant of order statistics and record statistics for Weighted Inverse Gaussian Distribution. Intl. J. Scientific and Research Publications, 2(6): 1-6. (ISSN: 2250-3153). (www.ijsrp.org).
  25. K.K. Das and Bhanita Das. (2011). Birnbaum Saunders Distribution with application in environmental data. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2(5): 310-317. (ISSN: 0976-8610). (www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com).
  26. K.K. Das, Bhanita Das, B.K. Baruah and A.K. Misra. (2011). Development of new probability model with application in drinking water quality data. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2(4): 306-313. (ISSN: 0976-8610). (www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com).
  27. B.K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, C. Medhi and A.K. Misra. (2011). Environmental awareness among tea labors towards local issues. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2(2): 190-196. (ISSN: 0976-8610). (www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com).
  28. B.K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, A. Haque, K. Misra, C. Medhi and A.K. Misra. (2011). Fluoride ion in drinking water and prevalence of dental fluorosis among the population in some tea garden belt villages in Golaghat district of Assam, India. Archives of Applied Science Research, 3(1): 175-179. (ISSN 0975-508X). (www.scholarsresearchlibrary.com).
  29. B.K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, A. Haque, C. Medhi and A.K. Misra. (2011). Suitability evaluation of groundwater for irrigation purposes: A study on tea garden belts villages of Golaghat District, Assam, India. Der Chemica Sinica, 2(1): 142-148. (ISSN: 0976-8505). (www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com).
  30. B.K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, A. Haque, K. Misra and A.K. Misra. (2011). Iron removal efficiency of different bamboo charcoals: a study on modified indigenous water filtration technique in rural areas of Assam. J. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(2): 454-459. (ISSN: 0975-7384). (www.jocpr.com).
  31. B.K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, A. Haque, C. Medhi and A.K. Misra. (2011). Boron in soil and water samples in some tea garden belt of Golaghat District, Assam. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2(4): 298-305. (ISSN: 0976-8610). (www.pelagiaresearchlibrary.com).
  32. B.K. Baruah, Bhanita Das, A. Haque, C. Medhi and A.K. Misra. (2011). Sequential extraction of common metals (Na, K, Ca and Mg) from surface soil. J. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(5): 198-205. (ISSN: 0975-7384). (www.jocpr.com).

Book Chapters

  1. “Some Aspects on Weighted Discrete Distributions”. In: Fundamental Frontiers: Expanding Core Sciences, (Editors: P. Saikia, D. J. Mahanta and J Gogoi), Unika Prakashan, Jorhat, Assam, 2024, 106-119, (ISBN: 978-93-91883-69-0).
  2. “A Brief Account on Construction of Discrete Bivariate Distribution”. In: Contemporary Trends in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: M. P. Barman & P. J. Hazarika), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2024, 253-261. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-3-9).
  3. “Some Aspects on the Method of Transformation of the Unbounded distribution to unit distribution” In: Contemporary Trends in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: M. P. Barman & P. J. Hazarika), Dibrugarh University, Assam 1st Edition, 2024, 72-81. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-3-9).
  4. “Ranked Set Sampling and its implications in parameter estimation of probability distribution: A Review”. In: Contemporary Trends in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: M. P. Barman & P. J. Hazarika), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2024, 22-31. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-3-9).
  5. On some Developments in the Gamma G-type I family of distributions” In: Contemporary Trends in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: M. P. Barman & P. J. Hazarika), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2024, 143-153. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-3-9).
  6. Some Aspects of Step-Stress Partially Accelerated Life Tests” In: Contemporary Trends in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: M. P. Barman & P. J. Hazarika), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2024, 133-142. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-3-9).
  7. “Stereographic Semi Circular Distribution: A Review” In: Contemporary Trends in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: M. P. Barman & P. J. Hazarika), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2024, 154-162. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-3-9).
  8. “An overview on Stable distributions models for heavy tailed data” In: Contemporary Trends in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: M. P. Barman & P. J. Hazarika), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2024, 189-197. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-3-9).
  9. “An overview of Wrapped Circular DisributionsIn: Current Research in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: D. Dhruba and K. K. Mahanta), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2023, 116-120. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-6-0).
  10. A Brief Account on Survival Function Approach of Discretization”. In: Current Research in Statistics and Allied Sciences, (Editors: D. Dhruba and K. K. Mahanta), Dibrugarh University, Assam, 1st Edition, 2023, 116-120. (ISBN: 978-81-951950-6-0).
  11. Order Statistics from Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution in Explicit Forms and Application of the Moments of Order Statistics to Real Life Data”. In: Research Trends in Mathematics and Statistics (Vol-7), Akinik Publication, New Delhi, 2020, (ISBN: 978-93-90322-71-8)
  12. “On Concomitants of Lower Record Values and Survival Analysis for Morgenstern Type Bivariate Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution”. In: Demystifying Research in Mathematical Sciences, 2020,  (978-81-929186-9-3)
  13. On some Properties and Applicaton of Transmuted Exponentiated Gumbel Distribution”. In: Mathstatika (Vol-1), 2020, Madhabdev University, Assam (978-93-5396-809-0)
  14. “An estimation of fluoride in the drinking water and prevalence of dental fluorosis among children in few tea garden belt villages of Golaghat District, Assam”. In: Agri-Biotech (Editors: Das R, Sarmah KK, Deka H and Haque A.) Global Publishing House, Vishakhapattanam, AP, India. 2012, 91-103. (ISBN: 978-93-81563-15-1)
  15. “Prevalence of dental fluorosis among the populations: a study in a few tea garden belt villages in Golaghat district, Assam, India”. In: Community Base Water Resources Management in North East India: Lessons from Global Context (Editors: Jain CK, Islam KMB and Sarma SK.), Allied Publisher Pvt. Ltd., Guwahati. 2011, 266-272. (ISBN: 978-81-8424-696-4).

Resource Person/ Invited Talks:

  1. Resource person for National Science Day-2014 organised by GIMT-Tezput, Assam on 28th February, 2014.
  2. Invited speaker for the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Theoretical and Applied Statistics-IV (RTTAS-IV) organised by Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University held during 15th to 16th March, 2019.
  3. Invited speaker for the Two-day National Webinar on Recent Advances in Theoretical and Applied Statistics organised by Department of Statistics, Assam University during 20th and 21st November, 2020.
  4. Resource person for the national level online training programme on “Statistical Data Analysis using R Software” organized by Department of Agricultural Statistics, SCS College of Agriculture, AAU and NIELIT, Guwahati during 4th to 11th January, 2021.
  5. Resource person for 8th Faculty Induction Programme UGC-HRDC, NEHU, Shillong on 5th March, 2022.
  6. Resource person for the 9th Faculty Induction at UGC-HRDC, NEHU, Shillong on 3rd and 4th June, 2022.
  7. Resource person for ICSSR Sponsored National Workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Sciences” organized by Pub Kamrup College, Baihata Chariali, Kamrup, Assam during 10th to 16th May, 2024.

Webinar / Seminar Organised

  1. Organized 7 Days Blended Online Training Program on “Moodle” in Collaboration with NIELIT, Jorhat Extension Centre during 6th to 12th October, 2020.
  2. Organized a One Day National Webinar on Basic Statistical Techniques in Research Methodology at HRDC-UGC Center, NEHU, Shillong on 22nd February, 2022
  3. Organised an International Conference on “Advances of Interdisciplinary Statistics in AI & ML during 21st to 23rd Feb, 2025 in Association with Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications (SSCA)

Workshop & FDP Participated

  1. Completed One Week International Workshop on “Academic Research Writing, Copyright & Plagiarism” organized by NN Saikia College, Titabor during 14th to 19th November, 2022.
  2. Participated in the VI-MSS Workshop on Environmental Statistics (IUWES, 2015) organised by ISI, India and Statistical and Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), USA held during 2-4 March, 2015.
  3. Participated in the 6 days ONLINE national workshop on “Enhancing Digital Competencies of Teacher Educators, Teachers and Parents of School Students” on 22nd – 27th June, 2020 organized by Centre for Pre-Service Teacher Education, NEHU, Department of Education, NEHU Tura Campus, & St. Anthony’s College, Shillong.
  4. Participated in the 7 days ONLINE Faculty Development Programme on “Moodle Learning Management System” on 25th June – 1st July, 2020 organized by Jagannath Barooah College, Jorhat & Spoken Tutorial, IIT, Bombay.
  5. Participated in the 6 days ONLINE International Faculty Development Programme on 27th July – 1st August, 2020 organized by Jaywanti Haksar Govt. PG Lead College, Betul, Madhya Pradesh

Seminar/ Conference Participated

  1. Presented a research paper entitled “Studies on Recent Development in Generalized Family of Lifetime Distributions” in the International Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics and Its Applications (ICRASA) during 5th & 6th December, 2024 organized by Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India.
  2. Presented a research paper entitled “Discretised Version of Generalised Gompertz Distribution with Application to Real Life Data” in the International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Data Science and Related Areas organised by Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology & ISPS during 4th to 6th January, 2023.
  3. Presented a research paper entitled “A Generalised form of Power……. Applications” in the International Conference on Statistics and Data Science: Theory and Practice for Progress and Prosperity  organised by Department of Statistics, University College of Science, Osmania University & ISPS during 11th to 13th March, 2022
  4. Presented a research paper entitled “Study on Common Metals in Jackfruit Seed (Artocarpus heterophyllus) and its Traditional Use as a Medicinein the 3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Technology (NCRAST 2020) organized by Assam Science and Technology University, Assam held during 17th -19th August, 2020.
  5. Presented a research paper entitled “Concomitant of Record Values of Bivariate Exponentiated Inverted Weibull Distribution” in the International Conference on “Recent Advancement in Statistics & Data Science for Sustainable Development” organized by PG Department of Statistics, Utkal University, Odisha held on 21st to 23rd December, 2019.
  6. Presented a research paper entitled “Concomitant of Order Statistics and Record Statistics for Weighted Inverse Gaussian Distribution” in the National Seminar on Recent Developments in Statistics and Its Application in Allied Disciplines organized by Organized by Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University, Assam held on 21st & 22nd March, 2014.

Research Guidance:

  • M. Phil                  :  02 (Awarded),
  • Ph. D                    :  02 (Awarded), Thesis Submitted: 01
  • Ph. D (Pursuing)  :  06 


  • Life Member of Indian Society for Training and Development ISTD)
  • Life Member of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS)
  • Life Member of Society of Statistics and Computer Application (SSCA)
  • Life Member of Assam Science Society (ASS)
  • Life Member of Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP)

Administrative Responsibilities:

  • Member of BOS, Department of Chemistry, NEHU, Shillong
  • Member of School Board of Physical Sciences, NEHU, Shillong
  • Member of Departmental Admission Committee, Purchase Committee etc.
  • Warden of Hostel No 6 & 9
  • In-charge of Study Tour in the Department of Statistics, NEHU
  • Member of BOS of Department of Statistics, Tripura University from 01/07/2022.
  • Member of PhD Admission Committee at IASST, Boragaon, Guwahati
  • Reviewer of Sankhya A Journal
  • Reviewer of Mathematical Journal