Dr. Rajesh Bajpai

Designation: Associate Professor

Department: Environmental Studies

Dr. Rajesh Bajpai did his M Sc (2002) and Ph.D., in Environmental Science (2009) jointly from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow and CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. Dr. Bajpai, qualified UGC and ICAR, NET in the year 2003 and 2004 respectively. He was the recipient of Best Research Paper award at 3rd International workshop on Biodiversity and Climate change IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal (2023), Environmental Conservation Award, in International Conference on Environmental Issues and challenge in 21st Century at Bareilly College Bareilly (2019), Best research paper award in International Conference of Plant and Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-6), at National Botanical Research Institute (2018), Best research paper award of the Institute CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, for the year 2016-2017 (2018). Dr. Bajpai is currently working Associate Professor in Departmetn of Environmental Studies, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya. Earlier Dr. Bajpai worked as Scientist Pool at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow (2017-2020), Young Scientist at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow (2013-2016), and (2010-2013), Senior Research Fellow at CSIR NBRI, Lucknow (2008-2010). Dr. Bajpai has research interest in lichen bioresource mapping, biodetererioation, bioprospection, lichen systematics, ecological and biomonitoring studies, Climate change studies in IHRs and natural resources conservation. He received training from SAC-ISRO Ahmedabad, on alpine ecosystem dynamics and impact of climate change in Indian Himalaya and training received from IIRS-ISRO Dehradun, on application of remote sensing and geographical Information system for Natural Resources, Training received from IUBS Paris, on Science on pollution tolerant and climate smart plants. He has successfully completed PG diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (2016). He is teaching to students on biodiversity, pollution monitoring, bioprospection, Environmental chemistry, Microbiology, bioremediation, Biotechnology, Instrumentation, climate change and natural resource management. He was PI/CoPI in 05 projects including 01 consultancy project. During 2009-2020, he worked as post-doc fellow at CSIR NBRI, on the mechanism of uptake and accumulation behavior of metals, metalloid, PAHs in lichens, application of lichen herbarium materials for climate change assessment, together with long-term assessment of climate change in Indian Himalayan regions and established permanent plots for future studies. Dr. Bajpai, participated in various bioresource survey tours in Central India, difficult terrains of Indian Himalayas areas including Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim mostly alpine areas, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan (Arid zones) and Uttar Pradesh. Dr Bajpai, describe 04 new species of lichens and 42 new lichens for the country. He is member of National Academy of Sciences, India (MNASc), Allahabad, Fellow of International Society of Environmental Botanists (FISEB), India, Fellow of Association for Plant Taxonomy (FAPT) India, Fellow of Indian Lichenological Society (FILS), Fellow of Indian Botanical Society (FBS) India and life member of more than 10 scientific societies. Dr. Bajpai was the founder Vice President of Indian Lichenological Society, Lucknow (2016-2021), and Treasurer of Association for Indian Cryptogams.
He is working/worked as Co-editor/Guest editor in several journals such as Global J. Environmental Science and Technology, India, International Journal of Green Chemistry, International Journal of Environmental Chemistry and International Journal of Agrochemistry, Frontiers-Climate monitoring, Lausnne, Switzerland, Special Issue of Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, Lucknow and reviewer panel of more than 10 journals. He was nominated as Expert in 4th India International Science Festival, DST, Govt, of India. He has co-authored books on Lichens to biomonitor the environment, Springer verlag (2014) and Lichens on Indian monuments Biodeterioration and Biomonitoring”, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun (2014) and co-edited the books Recent Advances in Lichenology. Volume I: Modern methods & Approaches in Biomonitoring & Bioprospection. Volume II: Modern methods & Approaches in Lichen Systematics & Culture Techniques. Springer verlag, (2015) and Biotechnology in Environmental Remediation. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany (2023). He has published over 110 papers excluding 15 book chapter and 8 Hindi articles (Total Science Citation: 1500, H-index: 25 and i10-Index: 45) together with he delivered more than 70 invites/keynote talk at various national/International conferences. He involved in exploring indicator lichen communities, active and passive monitoring methods, area wise indicator species documentation, geo-tagging of IHRs species, documentation of ethenolichenologcial information, lichenometry, R & D collaboration with SAC-ISRO, Ahmedabad, WII, Dehradun, Kashmir, University, HAPRIC HNB Garhwal University, Uttarakhand. Presently his interest covers various strategies for ‘to explore hidden diversity of Indian lichens in terms of bioresource mapping, bioprospection, ecosystem services, climate change natural resource management for human welfare’.

Professional Experience: Research/Teaching experience= 14 years and 5 months

Other responsibilities:

  • Co-coordinator, Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR Cell), North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, March 19th, 2024 to till date.
  • Convener, Standing committee of Memorandum of Understanding, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, July 10th, 2024 to till date
  • Member, Research and Development Cell, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, April 04th, 2024 to till date.
  • NAAC coordinator of Department of Environmental Studies since Feb 2023 to till date.
  • Departmental SWAYAM Mentor for MOOCs for the Department of Environmental Studies, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, since November 20223 to till date.
  • Member of Board of Studies: Department of Forestry, Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Rural Development and Agricultural Productivity (RDAP), Department of Environmental Studies, Department of Horticulture, School of Human and Environmental Science.

Conference/Seminar/lectures organized:

  • Refresher Course successfully conducted on topic “Recent advances in Environmental Sciences” under MMTTC-UGC NEHU as coordinator between 02-14 September 2024
  • National workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and Patent filing” on 14th of March 2024 as organizing secretary.
  • Organized departmental lecture series

Date: November 17th, 2023 (online)

Topic: “Sensing Climate Change Indicators from Space with special emphasis to Forest Ecosystems”

Expert: Dr. C. P. Singh, Scientist F, Space Applications Centre (SAC-ISRO), Ahmedabad,

Date: June 05th, 2024 (online)

Topic: “Single use plastics hazards, how to keep us safe: uses and management”

Expert: Dr. Peyush Goyal, Scientist, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology (Govt. of India), New Delhi.

Date: February 13th, 2025 (offline)

Topic: Exploring the past through tree rings: A lecture and hands-on training on Dendrochronology

Expert: Dr. P. S. Ranhotra, Scientist E Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleosciences (BSIP), Lucknow

Ad Hoc reviewer for National/International Journals:
Environmental Monitoring and assessment, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Ecological Indicator, International Journal of Biodeteriration and Biodegradation, Biodiversity Conservation, Pollution Research, Environmental Pollution, Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment, Phytotaxa, Phytotaxonomy, Global J. Environmental Science and Technology, Scientific Report, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Natural Products, International Journal of Plant and Environment, Environmental Earth Sciences.  Pedobiologia, The Environmentalist, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Ecotoxicology, Hazardous Materials, Science of the total environment.

About more than 20 years research experience in different aspects of cryptogams including the following sub areas:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Pollutants analysis in water, air and soil
  • Climate change studies in Indian Himalayan regions (IHRs), Lichenometry, Glacier retreat, tree line shift.
  • Lichens systematics particularly Leprose group of lichens such as Herpothallon, Heiomassia, Cryptothecia, Lepraria; Foliose and crustose lichens with modern identification techniques.
  • Biomonitoring of air pollution, GIS and remote sensing application in lichenology. Lichen bioresource mapping in Indian Himalayan Regions (IHRs).
  • Stress Biology, ecophysiology of lichen with reference to air pollution and climate change.
  • Ecological chemistry, allelopathy impact of lichens
  • In vitro culture of medicinally important microorganism (lichen, fungi, algae).
  • Ethnolichenology, Bioprospection along with agricultural potential of Indian lichens
  • Biodiversity conservation (in-situ &ex-situ).
  • Biodeterioration of monuments and cultural properties by cryptogams.

Technical Skills:

HPLC and other techniques of Thin Layer Chromatography, Spectrophotometry, Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), Gas chromatography (GC), Electrophorosis and High volume air sampler. Identification of micro and macro lichens using standard methodology. Literate in scientific and statistical software’s and other routine computer programs. Analyzing data of remote sensing and their application in biodiversity assessment.


  • Elected Fellows of the Scientific Societies:
  • Elected member of National Academy of Sciences (MNASc), India 2018
  • Fellow of Association for Plant Taxonomy (FAPT), India, 2015
  • Fellow of International Society of Environmental Botanist (FISEB), India 2018
  • Fellow of Indian Lichenological Society (FILS), India, 2022
  • Fellow of the Indian Botanical Society (FBS), India, 2023

Life members of the Scientific Societies:

  • Life member Association for Plant taxonomy (APT) – India, 2005
  • Life member of International Society of Environmental Botanist (ISEB) – India, 2009
  • Life member of Indian Science Congress (ISCA)- India, 2014
  • Life member of Indian Lichenological Society (ILS) – India, 2014
  • Life member of Indian Botanical Society, (IBS) India 2015
  • Life member Prof. H. S. Srivastava Foundation for Science & Society (PHSSFSS), India, 2016
  • Life member of Clean and Green Environmental Society, (CGES) India, 2019
  • Life member of Vigyan Bharti, (VIBHA) India, 2020
  • Life member Association for Indian Cryptogams, (AIC), India, 2023
  • Life Member Akhilbhartiya Vigyan Dal, (ABVD), Uttar Pradesh- India, 2023
  • Life Member Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI)-India, 2024
  • Awards:
  • Best Research Paper presentation (Ist prize) award 2023 by 3rd International workshop on Biodiversity and Climate change which was held at IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal between 16-19 February 2023. 
  • Environmental Conservation Award 2019 by Bareilly College Bareilly, in International Conference on Environmental Issues and challenge in the 21st Century on 20-01-2019 for outstanding contribution in the field of environment.
  • Best research paper award (in poster) of International Conference of Plant and Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-6), held at National Botanical Research Institute on 30th November 2018
  • Best research paper award of Institute CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, for the year 2016-2017 received on April 13, 2018
  • Best oral presentation awards in International Conference on Environmental technologies & sustainable Development: Challenges & Remedies held at B.B. Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India during 21-23 February 2014.

Research Projects

S. No. Title of the project Funded by Duration Cost (Lakhs) Role
1. Monitoring and source tracking of microplastics by lichens in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya (Ongoing) NMHS- GBPNIHE, MoEF&CC, New Delhi, Govt. of India Three Years 59.0 P.I.
2. Characterizing Patterns and Processes of Alpine Ecosystem in Indian Himalaya with Special Emphasis to Cryptogams (completed) Space Applications Centre (SAC-ISRO), Ahmedabad Three Years 34.18 Co P.I.
3. Lichen community composition with reference to alpine ecosystem health assessment in Indian Himalayan regions (IHRs) (Completed) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi Three Years 21.99 P.I.
4. Develop a system to monitor climate changes with epiphytic lichens in India (Completed) DST-SERB, New Delhi Three Years 21.60 P.I.
5. Exploring suitable biomarkers in some Indian lichens to serve as an early- warning bioindiactor system for changing Environment (Completed) DST-SERB, New Delhi Three Years 19.90 P.I.
6. Flora and fauna report and ecological studies near Sandila area of Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh (Completed) SGS India Pvt. Ltd. 250, UdyogVihar, Phase-IV, Gurgaon, Haryana Six months 0.60 coordinator
  • Lichen species described as new species: (04 Nos.)
  • Lichen species described as new records for the country: (42 Nos.)
  •  Lichenicolous species describe as new records: (64 Nos.)


(Impact factor (I.F.) of the journals: from ISI citation reports, latest (2024) edition citation: actual citation of the articles according to Google Scholar on 31-01-2025).

  • Bajpai R, Singh CP Mondal S 2025. Assessing distribution patterns and prediction of metals in wildlife sanctuary by employing lichens, expanding machine learning techniques. International Journal of Environmental Research. 19:23, doi: 10.1007/s41742-024-00688-1 I.F. 2.97
  • Islam Z, Siddiqui AR, Singh SK, Singh J, Bajpai R, Ahirwar S 2025. Cropland classification and water stress vulnerability assessment in arid environment of Churu district, India using machine learning approach. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 269:  106483 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2025.106483. I.F. 1.89
  • Srivastava R, Dubey NK, Sharma M, Kharkwal H, Bajpai R and Srivastava R 2025. Boosting the human antiviral response in conjunction with natural plant products. Frontier in Natural Products 3:1470639. doi: 10.3389/fntpr.2024.1470639
  • Bajpai R, Singh CP 2024. Lichenometry, to predict the age of substratum at Indian Alpine Himalayan area in climate change perception International Journal of Plant and Environment. 10 (2): 174-189,10.18811/ijpen.v10i02.05
  • Bajpai R, Shukla V, Upreti DK 2024. Investigation of factors controlling temporal trend of lichen diversity in arid region of India. Proceedings on National Academy of Sciences 94 (5): 993-1001 doi.org/10.1007/s40011-030-01550-2. I.F.0.88
  • Kumari A, Tripathi A.H., Anand R, Tewari LM, Joshi Y, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Joshi P, Upadhyay SK 2023. Streamlined and cost-effective genomic DNA extraction method for lichens, mushrooms and endolichenic fungi: Enabling DNA barcoding and molecular research. Journal of Advanced Zoology 44 (5) 674-685 ISSN: 0253-72145. I.F.0.98
  • Singh CP, Joshi H, Kakdiya D, Bhatt MS, Bajpai R, Paul RR, Upreti DK, Saini S, Beg MJ, Pande A, Tripthi N, Tomar KS, Oza SA, Pandya MR, Bhattacharya BK. 2023. Mapping lichen abundance in ice-free areas of Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica using remote sensing and lichen spectra. Polar Science 38:100976(doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2023.100976),ISSN: 0722-4060I.F.2.55
  • Ansari BH, Shukla AK, Upreti DK, Bajpai R 2023. Accumulation of Cadmium in Transplanted Lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl., with Reference to Physiochemical Variation and Kinetics of Cadmium Biosorption. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 110 (4): 67ISSN: 0007-4861, I.F. 2.78
  • Bajpai R, Srivastava R, Upreti DK 2023. Unraveling the ameliorative potentials of naturally growing lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl., during COVID 19 phase. International Journal of Biometeorology 67 (1):67-77, ISSN: 0020-7128 I.F. 3.738
  • Bajpai R, Singh CP, Tripathi OP, Paul RR, Upreti DK 2022. Estimating lichens of Arunachal Pradesh, India along with new records for the country. Nelumbo 64(2): 57-80, ISSN No. 0976-5069, DOI: 10.20324/nelumbo/v64/2022/171964
  • Bajpai R, Paul RR, Hamid M, Khuroo AA, Singh CP, Upreti DK 2022. New records of lichens (Lichenized Ascomycota) from India with novel habitat preferences. Kavaka 58 (4):47-50, ISSN No: 0379-5179
  • Bajpai R, Thungon LT, Singh CP, Upreti DK 2022.Indigenous knowledge of lichens can improve human life in tribal areas of Arunachal Pradesh: A case study. International Journal of Plant and Environment. 8(3):80-94,ISSN No: 2454-1117.
  • Gahtori R, Paliwal A, Chand G, Anand R, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Joshi P, Tewari LM, Joshi Y, Upadhyay SK 2022. Lichens biodiversity in Uttarakhand and significance of precise species identification for promoting lichen conservation and trade. J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 21 (4):118-139, ISSN No: 2222-3045, I.F. 1.056
  • Mishra GK, Nayaka S., Upreti DK, Bajpai R 2022. Pyrenual awasthii sp. nov., containing Lichenoxanthone and Antraqunone from India. Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 6(1): 14-16 ISSN No: 2456-0251
  • Dwivedi RS, Bajpai R 2022. Why Natural Farming Technology be adopted and researches intensified?International Journal of Plant and Environment. 8(3):10-23, ISSN No: 2454-1117.
  •  Srivastava R,Bajpai R, Khan Z, Singh SP, Mehrotra R, Dubey NK 2022.  Insight into strigolactone hormone functions in plant parasitic weeds: a regulatory perspective. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 60: 659-666  ISSN No: 0975-1009, I.F. 0.944
  • Bajpai R, Paul RR, Pandey U, Singh CP, Kumar A, Uniyal SK, Pande V and Upreti DK 2022. Refining the picture of lichen biota of Himachal Pradesh together with new distributional records to the state. Nelombo 64 (1): 171-247,  ISSN No. 0976-5069, DOI: 10.20324/nelumbo/v64/2022/167350
  • Bajpai R, Shukla V, Raju A, Singh CP, Upreti DK              2022. A geostatistical approach to compare metal accumulation pattern by lichens in plain and mountainous regions of Northern and Central India. Environmental Earth Sciences 81(7): 203, ISSN No: 1866-6280, I.F. 3.119
  • Tripathi AH, Negi N, Gahtori R, Kumari A, Joshi P, Tewari LM, Joshi Y, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Upadhyay SK 2022. A Review of Anti-Cancer and Related Properties of Lichen-Extracts and Metabolites.Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 22 (1):115-142. DOI: 10.2174/1871520621666210322094647, ISSN No: 1875-5992, I.F. 2.805
  • Kumar D, Pandey A, Rawat S, Joshi M, Bajpai R, Upreti DK., Singh SP 2022. Predicting the distribution range shift of Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC, in Indian Himalayan regions under future climate scenario. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 61579–61593 doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15624-5, ISSN No:1614-7499, I.F. 5.890
  • Srivastava R, Mishra N, Jaisawal N, Malviya S, Bajpai R, Srivastava R 2022. Heavy metal genotoxicity: an insight to human disease. Kahaar 9 (1): 33-36, ISSN No. 2394-3912
  • Bajpai R. 2022. Biological soil crust: an ecosystem engineer. CGS Newsletter 7(1): 21-22
  • Singh CP, Mohapatra J, Mathew JR, Khuroo AA, Hamid A, Malik AH, Ahmad R, Kumar A, Verma A, Nautiyal MC, Semwal SC, Singh A, Sharma S, Naidu S, Shrestha DG, Sharma N, Gajmer B, Tripathi OP, Paul A, Ali S, Bajpai R, Rawat KK, Upreti DK, Pandya HA, Solanki H, Dharaiya N, Singh RP, Bhattacharya BK 2021. Long-term observation and modelling on the distribution and patterns of alpine treeline ecotone in Indian Himalaya. Journal of Geomatics 15 (1): 68-84, ISSN No: 0976–1330
  • Prateeksha, Bajpai R, Rao Ch V, Upreti DK, Barik SK, Singh BN 2021. Chrysophanol-Functionalized silver nanoparticles for anti-adhesive and antibiofouling coating to prevent urinary catheter associated infections. ACS Applied Nano Materials4 (2): 1512–1528. doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.0c03029, ISSN No: 2574-0970, I.F. 6.140
  • Pandey S, Phulara SC, Mishra S, Bajpai R, Kumar A, Niranjan A, Lehri A, Upreti DK, Chauhan PS  2020. Betula utilis extract prolongs life expectancy, protects against amyloid-β toxicity and reduces Alpha Synuclien in Caenorhabditis elegans via DAF-16 and SKN-1. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C Toxicology and Pharmacology 228: 108647 (doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpc.2019.108647)., ISSN No: 1532-0456, I.F. 4.520
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2020. Lichen allelopathy: An agricultural prospect. International Journal of Plant and Environment 6(1): 01-08, ISSN No: 2454-1117
  • Prateeksha, Bajpai R, Yusuf MA, Upreti DK, Gupta VK, Singh BN. 2020. Endolichenic fungus, Aspergillus quandricinctus of Usnea longissima inhibits quorum sensing and biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Microbial Pathogenesis140:103933, ISSN No: 0882-4010, I.F. 3.848
  • Bajpai R, Singh CP, Rana TS, Upreti DK. 2019. Lichenology and geomatics for monitoring air pollution and climate change impacts. Journal of Geomatics 13(2): 316-323., ISSN No: 0976–1330.
  • Bajpai R, Singh CP, Upreti DK. 2019. Lichenological practices for monitoring atmospheric pollution and climate change. International Journal of plant and Environment 5(3): 170-185, ISSN No: 2454-1117
  • Kumar D, Timsina N, Gurung S, Bajpai R, Upreti DK. 2019. Dermatocarpon miniatum (L.) W. Mann. (Verrucariaceae): A new record to the Lichen Flora of Sikkim Himalaya, India. NeBIO 10(4): 186-187, ISSN No: 0976-3597
  • Sahu N, Singh SN, Singh P, Mishra S, Karakoti N, Bajpai R, Behera SK, Nayaka S, Upreti DK 2019. Microclimatic variations and their effects on photosynthetic efficiencies and lichen species distribution along elevational gradients in Garhwal Himalayas. Biodiversity and Conservation 28:1953-1976, ISSN No: 0960-3115, I.F. 4.296
  • Prateeksha, Singh BR, Gupta VK, Deeba F, Bajpai R, Pandey V, Naqvi AH, Upreti DK, Gathergood N, Jiang Y, El Enshasy HA, Sholkamy EN, Mostafa AA, El-Latif Hesham A, Singh BN. 2019. Non-toxic and ultra-small biosilver nanoclusters trigger apoptotic cell death in Fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans via ras signaling. Biomolecules9: 47; doi:10.3390/biom9020047 1-23, ISSN No: 2218-273X, I.F. 6.064
  • Bajpai R, Shukla V, Pandey U, Upreti DK. 2019. Do lichens have ability to remove arsenic from water.International Journal of plant and Environment 5 (1): 47-49, ISSN No: 2454-1117
  • Das K, Rossi W, Leonard M, Ghosh A, Bera I, Hembrom ME, Bajpai R, Joseph S, Nayaka S, Upreti DK. Wang X, Hofstetter V, Buyck B. 2018.  Fungal biodiversity profile 61-70. Cryptogamie Mycologie 39 (4): 381-418, ISSN No: 0181-1584, I.F. 2.321
  • Bajpai R, Shahi SK, Kanwar L, Mahobia D, Pandey U, Prajapati AK, Upreti DK. 2018. Current status of lichen diversity in Chhattisgarh state, India. Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 3(1): 33-42, ISSN No: 2456-0251
  • Nayak SK,   Behera PK, Bajpai R,        Satapathy SK,      Upreti DK. 2018. A need for lichen bio-deterioration study on Ratnagiri and Udayagiri excavation site of Jajpur, Odisha. Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 3(1): 20-23, ISSN No: 2456-0251
  • Uppadhyay V, Trivedi S, Ingle KK,        Bajpai R, Upreti DK. 2018. Biodeterioration studies on some monuments of Gwalior division, Madhya Pradesh, India with calcium and magnesium accumulation in lichens. Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 3(1): 27-32, ISSN No: 2456-0251
  • Bajpai R, Shukla V, Singh CP, Tripathi OP, Nayaka S, Upreti DK. 2018. Lichen community composition in Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh, tool for long-term climate change monitoring. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences 88 (3): 915-922, ISSN No: 0369-8211, I.F.: 1.291
  • Joshi Y, Tripathi M, Bisht K, Upadhyay S, Kumar V, Pal N, Gaira A, Pant S, Rawat KS, Bisht S, Bajpai R, Halda JP. 2018. Further contributions to the documentation of lichenicolous fungi from India. Kavaka50: 26-33, ISSN No:0379-5179
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S. 2018. The lichen genus Lepraria (Sterocaulaceae) and Leprocaulon (Leprocaulaceae) in India. Phytotaxa 356 (2): 101-116, ISSN No:1179-3155, I.F.1.150
  • Singh N, Verma RK, Kumar N, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Rana TS. 2018. Molecular analysis of genetic diversity and population structure in Everniastrum cirrhatum (Fr.) Hale (Parmeliaceae) in India. Nucleus 61: 19-27, ISSN No: 0976-7975, I. F.4.590
  • Bajpai R, Semwal M, Singh CP 2018. Suitability of lichens to monitor climate change. Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment Special issue 182-189, ISSN No:2456-0251
  • Bajpai R, Nayaka S, Upreti DK. 2017 Extended distribution of lichen genera Heiomasia and Herpothallon in India. Phytotaxonomy17: 31-38, ISSN No: 0972-4206
  • DeshmukhVP, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Wagh VV, Rajurkar AV, Bondarkar SG 2017.  Lichens Diversity of Gawilgarh fort, Amravati district, Maharashtra, India.  Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 2(2): 53-57, ISSN No:2456-0251
  • Mishra GK, Dubey, N, Bagla H, Bajpai R, Nayaka S. 2017. An assessment of lichen diversity from Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra, India. Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 2(2): 11-17, ISSN No: 2456-0251
  • Srivastava P, Bajpai R, Upreti DK. 2017. Lichens: Tool for assessing climate change and ambient air quality. ENVIS-NBRI Newsletter 13 (3): 2-7.
  • Bajpai R, Joseph S, Upreti DK. 2017. Additional distributional records of the lichen genus Cryptothecia in India. Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 2 (2): 41-47, ISSN No:2456-0251
  • Nayak SK, Behra PK, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Satapathy KB. 2017. Lichens growth on sun temple of Konark in Odisha, India- A curse or blessing.Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment 2 (2): 48-52, ISSN No:2456-0251
  • Shukla V, Bajpai R,Semwal M, Upreti DK. 2017. Influence of chemical diversity in determining lichen communities structure along an altitudinal gradient in the Chopta Tungnath, Western Himalaya. International Journal of plant and Environment 3 (1): 7-13, ISSN No: 2454-1117
  • Singh CP, Bajpai R, Singh RP, Upreti DK. 2016. Improving bioclimatic envelop modelling for Lichens through remote sensing-based substratum correction: A study over Indian Himalaya.Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment 1 (2): 01-19, ISSN No: 2456-0251
  • Bajpai R, Mishra S, Dwivedi S, Upreti DK. 2016. Change in atmospheric deposition during last half century and its impact on lichen community structure in Eastern Himalaya. Scientific Report 6, 30838; doi: 10.1038/srep30838, ISSN No: 2045-2322, I.F. 4.996
  • Nayaka SK, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Satapathy KB. 2016. Diversity of lichen flora of Odisha, India-A review. Studies in Fungi 1(1): 114-120. ISSN No: 2465-4973
  • Joshi Y, Falswal A, Bajpai R, Upreti DK. 2016. A new species of Didymocyrtis (Phaeosphaeriaceae. Ascomycota) growing on Thamnolia vermicularis from India. Kavaka46: 27-29, ISSN No: 0379-5179
  • Joshi Y, Falswal A, Tripathi M, Upadhyay S, Bisht A, Chandra K, Bajpai R, Upreti DK. 2016. One hundred and five species of lichenicolous biota from India: An updated checklist for the country. Mycosphere 7 (3): 268–294, ISSN No: 2077-7000, I.F.14.620
  • Prateeksha, Paliya BS, Bajpai R, Jadain V, Kumar JK, Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Singh BR, Joshi Y, Singh BN 2016. The genus Usnea: a potent phytomedicine with multifarious ethnobotany, phytochemistry and Pharmacology.RSC Advances 6: 21672-21696, ISSN No: 2046-2069, I.F. 4.036
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2016. Lichens on man-made substrates. Bulletin of British Lichen Society 117: 33-37, ISSN No: 1473-0154
  • Shukla V, Patel DK, Bajpai R, Semwal M, Upreti DK 2016. Ecological implication of variation in the secondary metabolites in Parmelioid lichens with respect to altitude. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 1391-1397, ISSN No: 1614-7499, I.F. 5.890
  • Bajpai R, Singh CP, Shukla P, Upreti DK 2016. Preliminary lichenometric studies in Eastern and North-Western Himalaya. Journal of Geological Society of India 87: 535-538, ISSN No: 0016-7622, I.F. 0.966
  • Sahu V, Bajpai R, Upreti DK. 2015. Traditional use of lichens in Rudrabhishek (Spritual ceremony): A Hindu practice to worship Lord Shiva in India. Ethnobotany 27: 92-94, ISSN No: 0971-1252
  • Bajpai R, Yadav SK, Upreti DK 2015. Lichen flora of Mount Abu, Sirohi district of Rajasthan, India with two new records. Phytotaxonomy15: 75-80, ISSN No: 0972-4206
  • Bajpai R, Shukla P, Upreti DK 2015. New records to Indian Lichen Flora. Geophytology 45 (2): 269-272, ISSN No: 0376-5561
  • Shukla P, Bajpai R, Singh CP, Sharma N, Upreti DK 2015. Lichen diversity in alpine regions of eastern Sikkim with respect to long term monitoring programme of Indian Space Research Organization. Geophytology45 (1): 57-62, ISSN No: 0376-5561
  • Singh BN, Prateeksha, Pandey G, Jadaun V, Singh S, Bajpai R, Nayaka S, Naqvi AH, Rawat AKS, Upreti DK, Singh BR. 2015. Development and characterization of novel Swarna-based herbo-metallic colloidal nano formulation-inhibitors of Streptococcus mutains quorum sensitizing. RCS Advance 5: 5809-5822, ISSN No: 2046-2069, I.F. 4.036
  • Bajpai R, Shukla V, Singh N, Rana TS, Upreti DK 2015. Physiological and genetic effects of Chromium (+VI) on toxitolerant lichen species Pyxine cocoes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 3727-3738, ISSN No: 1614-749, I.F. 5.890
  • Singh N, Bajpai R, Mahar KS, Tiwari V, Upreti DK, Rana TS 2014. ISSR and DAMD markers revealed high genetic variability within Flavoparmelia caperata in western Himalaya (India). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 20 (4):501–508, ISSN No:  0974-0430, I.F.3.523
  • Bajpai R, Shukla V, Upreti DK, Semwal M 2014. Selection of suitable lichen species for monitoring climatic variability in the Himalaya. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21:11380–11394, ISSN No:0944-1344, I.F.5.890
  • Karakoti N, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S 2014. Lichen flora of Govind Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttarkashi District, Uttarkhand, India. Geophytology 44(1): 41-48, ISSN No: 0376-5561
  • Shukla V, Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Yunus M 2014. Spatial distribution of metallic content in Himalayan ecosystem monitored using lichens. Water, Air and Soil pollution 225 (2): 1859-1864, ISSN No: 0049-6979, I.F.2.984
  • Ingle KK, Nayaka S, Bajpai R, Rawal JR, Upreti DK, Trivedi S 2014. An account of lichen diversity in islands of marine protected area, Jamnagar, Gujarat. Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Bulletin 5: 23-30
  • Karakoti N, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Mishra GK, Srivastava A, Nayaka S 2014. Effect of metal content on chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll degradation in lichen Pyxine cocoes-a case study from Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Earth Sciences 71 (5): 2177-2183, ISSN No:2199-9155, I.F.3.119
  • Bajpai R, Shukla V, Upreti DK 2013. Impact assessment of anthropogenic activities on air quality, using lichen Remototrachyna awasthii in Mahableshwar area, Western Ghats, India. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10: 1287-1294, ISSN No: 1735-2630, I.F. 3.119
  • Bajpai R, Kalakoti N, Upreti DK 2013. Performance of a naturally growing Parmelioid lichen Remototrachyna awasthii, against organic and inorganic pollutants in Mahabaleshwar, Western Ghat, India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20: 5577-5592, ISSN No: 0944-1344, I.F. 5.890
  • Nayaka S, Ingle KK, Bajpai R, Rawal JR, Upreti DK, Trivedi S 2013. Lichens of Gujarat State, India with special reference to coastal habitats. Current Research in environment and applied mycology3 (2): 222-229, ISSN No: 2229-2225, I.F.0.460
  • Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Nayaka S 2013. Ethnobotanically important Indian lichens. Ethnobotany25: 33-40, ISSN No: 0971-1252
  • Ayub A, Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Bajpai R 2013. Lichen growth on some monuments and historical buildings of Uttar Pradesh. Biodiversity News 4 (14): 2-9
  • Rani M, Bajpai R, Kalakoti N, Upreti DK 2013. Quantitative assessment of atmospheric elements and their interaction with transplanted lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl., Global journal of Environmental Science and Technology 1(1) 8-14, ISSN no:2322-0228
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2012. Accumulation and toxic effect of arsenic and other heavy metals in a contaminated area of West Bengal, India in the lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 83: 63-70, ISSN No:0147-6513, I.F. 7.129
  • Bajpai R, Pandey AK, Deeba F, Upreti DK, Nayaka S, Pandey V 2012. Physiological effect of arsenate on transplant thalli of the lichen P. cocoes (Sw.) Nyl. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19 (5): 1494-1502, ISSN no: 0944-1344, I.F. 5.890
  • Ingle KK, Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Trivedi S 2012. Lichen distribution pattern in Bhopal city with reference to air pollution monitoring. Indian Journal of Environmental Science 16(2): 75-80, ISSN No:0971-8958
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK Nayaka S, Dubey U 2012. Lichen flora in around Mahabaleshwar, Satara District, Maharashtra with Lecanora expallens Ach., as new records to Indian Lichen flora. Phytotaxonomy 12: 123-130, ISSN No:0972-4206      
  • Bajpai R, Mishra GK, Mohabe S, Upreti DK, Nayaka S 2011. Determination of atmospheric heavy metals using two lichen species in Katni and Rewa cities, India. Journal of Environmental Biology 32: 195-199, ISSN No: 0254-8704, I.F.  0.781
  • Bajpai R, Nayaka S, Upreti DK 2011. Distribution of lichens on four trees in East and South Districts of Sikkim. Biozone3(1/2): 406-419, ISSN No:0974-8873             
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2011. Lichens: A potential organism for sustainable agriculture. Enviro News17 (4): 5-7
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK2011. New records of lichens from Mahabaleshwar and Koyna areas of Satara District, Maharashtra. Geophytology 40 (1-2):61-68, ISSN No:0376-5561
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S, Kumari B 2010. Biodiversity, bioaccumulation and physiological changes in lichens growing in the vicinity of coal-based thermal power plant of Raebareli district north India. Journal of Hazardous Materials 174: 429-436, ISSN No:0304-3894, I.F.13.654
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Dwivedi SK 2010. Calcium and magnesium accumulation in lichens growing over monuments of central India. Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences 14 (1): 1-6 , ISSN No:0971-8958 
  • Upreti DK, Joshi Y, Bajpai R 2010. New records of lichens growing on monuments in central India. Geophytology38 (1-2): 37-40, ISSN No:0376-5561   
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S 2010. Accumulation of arsenic and fluoride in lichen P. cocoes (Sw.) Nyl., growing in the vicinity of coal–based thermal power plant at Raebareli, India. Journal of Experimental Sciences4: 34-37, ISSN No: 2218-1768
  • Bajpai R, Nayaka S, Upreti DK 2010. Calcium accumulation in lichens of Bhimbetka rock shelter- World Heritage Zone, India. Bulletin of British Lichen Society 107: 71-76, ISSN No: 0300-4562                                                                                    
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Dwivedi SK 2010. Passive monitoring of atmospheric heavy metals in a historical city of central India by Lepraria lobificans Nyl., Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 166: 477-484, ISSN No:0167-6369, I.F.3.307
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Dwivedi SK, Nayaka S 2009. Lichens as quantitative biomonitors of atmospheric heavy metals deposition on central India. 63: 235-246, ISSN No:0167-7764, I.F. 3.360
  • Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Nayaka S 2009. Indian monuments need lichen biodeterioration study. New Horizon 7: 64-69, ISSN No:0971-6732                                
  • Bajpai R, Dwived A, Upreti DK, Nayaka S 2009. Enumeration of lichens from Hooghly and Nadia district of West Bengal. Phytotaxonomy 9:1-6, ISSN No:0972-4206 
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Dwivedi SK 2009. Arsenic accumulation in lichens of monuments of Dhar district, Madhya Pradesh. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 159:437-442, ISSN No:0167-6369, I.F.3.307
  • Bajpai R, Dwivedi SK, Upreti DK 2008. Observation on lichens growing over some monuments of Dhar and Mandav area of Madhya Pradesh, India.  Flora and Fauna 14(2): 253-258, ISSN No:0971-6920
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Dwivedi SK 2008. Diversity and distribution of lichens on some major monuments of Madhya Pradesh, India. Geophytology 37:23-29, ISSN No:0376-5561
  • Singh J, Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Singh RP, Dubey A 2008. Effect of altitudinal changes on photosynthetic pigment concentration in some cryptograms. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health8: 107-110, ISSN No:0972-4397  
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Mishra SK 2004. Pollution monitoring with the help of Lichen Transplant Technique in some residential sites of Lucknow city, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Environmental Biology25: (2) 191-195, ISSN No:0254-8704, I.F. 0.781
  • Mishra SK, Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Pandey V 2003. Pollution monitoring with the help of lichen transplant technique in some commercial and industrial areas of Lucknow city. Pollution Research 22 (2): 221-225, ISSN No:0257-8050
  • Book Chapters:
  • Singh J, Gupta M, Singh R, Bajpai R, Seth N 2024. Solid waste management in India: Trends, outcomes and future directions. In Agarwal R, Kumar G, Singh J, Saxena R, Kumar M, Singh RK (ed). Multifacet trends in Science and Technology. Published by Neel Kamal Prakashan New Delhi, pp 102-114, ISBN: 978-93-93248-67-1
  • Kumari A, Joshi H, Tripathi AH, Chand G, Joshi P, Tewari LM, Joshi Y, Upreti DK,Bajpai R, Upadhyay SK 2023. Assessment of in-vitro culture as a sustainable and eco-friendly approach of propagation lichens and their constituent organism for bioprospecting applications. In Singh J, Bajpai R, Gangwar R (ed).Biotechnology in Environmental Remediation. Published by Wiley VCH, Netherland. Pp 129-146, ISBN: 978-3-527-35077-3
  • Bajpai R, Pandey U, Singh BN, Pande V, Singh CP, Upreti DK 2023. Bioprospection potential of Indian Cladoniaceae together with its distribution, habitat preference and their biotechnological prospects. In Singh J, Bajpai R, Gangwar R (ed).Biotechnology in Environmental Remediation. Published by Wiley VCH, Netherland, pp 155-183. ISBN: 978-3-527-35077-3
  • Bajpai R, Singh CP, Upreti DK 2023. Community-level lichen diversity assessment in Alpine zone of Indian Himalaya: Climate change implications. In Singh SP, Reshi ZA, Joshi R (ed.) Ecology of Himalayan tree line ectone. Springer Nature Pte Ltd. Pp 339-359, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4476-5_13. ISBN No: 978-981-19-4475-8.
  • Upreti DK, Bajpai R 2022. Status, Issues and Challenges of Biodiversity: Lower Plants (Non-vascular). Published in Kaur S, Batish DR, Singh HP, Kohli R (eds) Biodiversity in India: Status, Issues and Challenges, Springer Singapore. © Indian National Science Academy, pp 21-30, ISBN No: 978-981-16-9776-06
  • Tripathi AH, Mehrotra S, Kumari A, Bajpai R, Joshi Y, Joshi P, Tewari LM, Rai RC, Upadhyay SK. 2022. Lichens as bioremediation agents - A review. In.  Kapoor RT, Shah MP (ed)Synergistic Approaches for Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Recent Advances and Challenges. Elsevier, NetherlandAcademic Press, pp 289-312https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91860-2.00015-4 Copyright # 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 9780323918602
  • Shukla V, Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Patel DK, Prasad S. 2019. Change in lichen diversity and metal range variation in lichens of higher Himalayan Regions: periodical observations from 1994-2013. Published in Singh J & Singh AP. (eds.) Environmental Issues and challenges in the 21st Century. Kashyap Publications India, pp. 177-182, ISBN No:978-93-82422-62-4
  • Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Nayaka S, Singh BN. 2015. Ethnolichenological studies in India: Future prospects. In: Jain AK (Ed) Emerging Dimensions in Indian Ethnobotany, Scientific publishers, Jaipur, pp 195-233.
  • Upreti DK, Bajpai R, Nayaka S 2015. Lichenology: Current researches in India. In: Bahadur B, Rajaram MV, Sahijram L, Krishnamurty KV (eds.) Plant biology & biotechnology: Vol I: Plant diversity organization, function & improvement. Springer, Netherland, pp 263-280, ISBN No: 978-81-322-2286-6
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S 2014. Lichen diversity of Govind Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand: A potential plant resources for bioprospectional and biotechnological studies. In: Singh RA (eds) Geology, Biodiversity and Natural resources of Himalaya and their Intellectual property law. Published by Pratyush Publications Delhi, pp 262-273, ISBN No:978-93-82171-40-9
  • Bajpai R, Karakoti N, Upreti DK 2013. Effects of chromium on transplanted thalli of the lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl., through active monitoring. In: Qasim SZ, Ahmed J, Khare N, Wanganeo A, Singh J and Ahmad A (eds) Conservation of environment for human health. Published by National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi, pp 366-375.
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2012. Monitoring of environmental pollution with the help of lichens in India. In: Pal A, Yunus M, Ahmad KJ (eds) Environment Asia. Published by Shree Publishers & Distributors New Delhi. Pp.239-247, ISSN No:978-81-8329-532-1
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK, Nayaka S, Dwivedi SK 2012. Lichen biodeterioration studies in India: An overview In: Dubey RC and Meheshwari DK (eds) Bioremediation of pollutants. Published by I. K. International publishing house, New Delhi, ISSN No:978-93-811-410-52
  • Nayaka S, Upreti DK, Bajpai R 2009. Diversity and adaptive response of Lichens in Antarctica, In: Sridhar KR (eds) In: Frontiers in Fungal Ecology, Diversity and Metabolites. Published by I. K. International group New Delhi, pp 107-123, ISBN No: 978-81-89866-91-4

Book/monographs/ special issue published:

  • Singh J, Bajpai R, Gangwar R. 2023. Biotechnology in Environmental Remediation. Wiley-VCH GmbH, Boschstr. 12, 69469 Weinheim, Germany. ISBN 978-3-527-35077-3.
  • Divakar, P.K., Nayaka, S., Bajpai R & Shukla, V (Eds.). 2018. Special Issue. In honour of Dr. D.K. Upreti. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment (ISBN 2456-0251), MRI Publication Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow, India
  • Upreti DK, Divakar PK, Shukla V, Bajpai R 2015. Recent Advances in Lichenology. Volume I: Modern methods & Approaches in Biomonitoring & Bioprospection. Springer verlag, (total pages 473), ISBN: 978-81-322-2180-7.                                           
  • Upreti DK, Divakar PK, Shukla V, Bajpai R 2015. Recent Advances in Lichenology. Volume II: Modern methods & Approaches in Lichen Systematics & Culture Techniques. Springerverlag, (total pages 225), ISBN: 978-81-322-2234-7.           
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2014. “Lichens on Indian monuments: Biodeterioration and Biomonitoring”, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, (total pages 222), ISBN: 978-81-211-0856-0.
  • Shukla V, Upreti DK, Bajpai R 2014. Lichens to biomonitor the environment. Springer verlag, ISBN: 978-81-322-1502-8.

Popular articles:

  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2019. Herbal ayusadhiyo ke vikas ke liye sheik vigyan anusandhan ke naye aayam. Vigyan-Vani 25: 88,ISSN No.0972-3951
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2018. Jalwayuv parwartan addahayan me sheiko ke upyogita. Vigyan-Vani 24: 25-28, ISSN No. 0972-3951
  • Upreti DK, Bajpai R 2013. CSIR-NBRI-Shaik prayogshala ke pichle chay dasko ke uplabdhiya Vigyan-Vani 19: 85-87, ISSN No.0972-3951.
  • Bajpai R, Upreti DK 2010 “Bhartiya saiko dwara sankhiya (Arsenic) sanchayan” Vigyan-Vani 16: 21-23, ISSN No. 0972-3951.
  • Bajpai R 2008. “Shaik (Lichen) aeithasik bhavavo ka charan” Vigyan-Vani 14(1): 112-16, ISSN No.0972-3951.
  • Shukla MK, Bajpai R, Mishra S, Tripathi RD 2002. "Yagya aur Paryavaran" Vigyan-Vani 8(2): 30-32, ISSN No.0972-3951.
  • Jalwaye parivartn nigrani me madagar ho sakti hai sheik prajatiya. 2018. India Science Wire. A Department of Science and Technology and Vigyan Prasar online magie article, (http://vigyanprasar.gov.in/isw/algae_species_helpful_monitoring_climate_change_hindi_story.html)
  • Lichens an efficient monitoring tool for assessment of atmospheric polluants. CSIR-NBRI Newsletter 38 (4) : 1-4, 2011.
  • Invited talks: More than 40
  • Papers presented in conference/seminar/symposia: More than 55


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ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1806-0939
VIDWAN IDhttps://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/560442