Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Environmental Studies
Dr. Rajesh Bajpai did his M Sc (2002) and Ph.D., in Environmental Science (2009) jointly from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow and CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. Dr. Bajpai, qualified UGC and ICAR, NET in the year 2003 and 2004 respectively. He was the recipient of Best Research Paper award at 3rd International workshop on Biodiversity and Climate change IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal (2023), Environmental Conservation Award, in International Conference on Environmental Issues and challenge in 21st Century at Bareilly College Bareilly (2019), Best research paper award in International Conference of Plant and Environmental Pollution (ICPEP-6), at National Botanical Research Institute (2018), Best research paper award of the Institute CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, for the year 2016-2017 (2018). Dr. Bajpai is currently working Associate Professor in Departmetn of Environmental Studies, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya. Earlier Dr. Bajpai worked as Scientist Pool at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow (2017-2020), Young Scientist at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow (2013-2016), and (2010-2013), Senior Research Fellow at CSIR NBRI, Lucknow (2008-2010). Dr. Bajpai has research interest in lichen bioresource mapping, biodetererioation, bioprospection, lichen systematics, ecological and biomonitoring studies, Climate change studies in IHRs and natural resources conservation. He received training from SAC-ISRO Ahmedabad, on alpine ecosystem dynamics and impact of climate change in Indian Himalaya and training received from IIRS-ISRO Dehradun, on application of remote sensing and geographical Information system for Natural Resources, Training received from IUBS Paris, on Science on pollution tolerant and climate smart plants. He has successfully completed PG diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (2016). He is teaching to students on biodiversity, pollution monitoring, bioprospection, Environmental chemistry, Microbiology, bioremediation, Biotechnology, Instrumentation, climate change and natural resource management. He was PI/CoPI in 05 projects including 01 consultancy project. During 2009-2020, he worked as post-doc fellow at CSIR NBRI, on the mechanism of uptake and accumulation behavior of metals, metalloid, PAHs in lichens, application of lichen herbarium materials for climate change assessment, together with long-term assessment of climate change in Indian Himalayan regions and established permanent plots for future studies. Dr. Bajpai, participated in various bioresource survey tours in Central India, difficult terrains of Indian Himalayas areas including Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim mostly alpine areas, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan (Arid zones) and Uttar Pradesh. Dr Bajpai, describe 04 new species of lichens and 42 new lichens for the country. He is member of National Academy of Sciences, India (MNASc), Allahabad, Fellow of International Society of Environmental Botanists (FISEB), India, Fellow of Association for Plant Taxonomy (FAPT) India, Fellow of Indian Lichenological Society (FILS), Fellow of Indian Botanical Society (FBS) India and life member of more than 10 scientific societies. Dr. Bajpai was the founder Vice President of Indian Lichenological Society, Lucknow (2016-2021), and Treasurer of Association for Indian Cryptogams.
He is working/worked as Co-editor/Guest editor in several journals such as Global J. Environmental Science and Technology, India, International Journal of Green Chemistry, International Journal of Environmental Chemistry and International Journal of Agrochemistry, Frontiers-Climate monitoring, Lausnne, Switzerland, Special Issue of Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment, Lucknow and reviewer panel of more than 10 journals. He was nominated as Expert in 4th India International Science Festival, DST, Govt, of India. He has co-authored books on Lichens to biomonitor the environment, Springer verlag (2014) and Lichens on Indian monuments Biodeterioration and Biomonitoring”, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun (2014) and co-edited the books Recent Advances in Lichenology. Volume I: Modern methods & Approaches in Biomonitoring & Bioprospection. Volume II: Modern methods & Approaches in Lichen Systematics & Culture Techniques. Springer verlag, (2015) and Biotechnology in Environmental Remediation. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany (2023). He has published over 110 papers excluding 15 book chapter and 8 Hindi articles (Total Science Citation: 1500, H-index: 25 and i10-Index: 45) together with he delivered more than 70 invites/keynote talk at various national/International conferences. He involved in exploring indicator lichen communities, active and passive monitoring methods, area wise indicator species documentation, geo-tagging of IHRs species, documentation of ethenolichenologcial information, lichenometry, R & D collaboration with SAC-ISRO, Ahmedabad, WII, Dehradun, Kashmir, University, HAPRIC HNB Garhwal University, Uttarakhand. Presently his interest covers various strategies for ‘to explore hidden diversity of Indian lichens in terms of bioresource mapping, bioprospection, ecosystem services, climate change natural resource management for human welfare’.
Professional Experience: Research/Teaching experience= 14 years and 5 months
Other responsibilities:
Conference/Seminar/lectures organized:
Date: November 17th, 2023 (online)
Topic: “Sensing Climate Change Indicators from Space with special emphasis to Forest Ecosystems”
Expert: Dr. C. P. Singh, Scientist F, Space Applications Centre (SAC-ISRO), Ahmedabad,
Date: June 05th, 2024 (online)
Topic: “Single use plastics hazards, how to keep us safe: uses and management”
Expert: Dr. Peyush Goyal, Scientist, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology (Govt. of India), New Delhi.
Date: February 13th, 2025 (offline)
Topic: Exploring the past through tree rings: A lecture and hands-on training on Dendrochronology
Expert: Dr. P. S. Ranhotra, Scientist E Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleosciences (BSIP), Lucknow
Ad Hoc reviewer for National/International Journals:
Environmental Monitoring and assessment, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Ecological Indicator, International Journal of Biodeteriration and Biodegradation, Biodiversity Conservation, Pollution Research, Environmental Pollution, Cryptogam Biodiversity Assessment, Phytotaxa, Phytotaxonomy, Global J. Environmental Science and Technology, Scientific Report, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Natural Products, International Journal of Plant and Environment, Environmental Earth Sciences. Pedobiologia, The Environmentalist, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, Ecotoxicology, Hazardous Materials, Science of the total environment.
About more than 20 years research experience in different aspects of cryptogams including the following sub areas:
Technical Skills:
HPLC and other techniques of Thin Layer Chromatography, Spectrophotometry, Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), Gas chromatography (GC), Electrophorosis and High volume air sampler. Identification of micro and macro lichens using standard methodology. Literate in scientific and statistical software’s and other routine computer programs. Analyzing data of remote sensing and their application in biodiversity assessment.
Life members of the Scientific Societies:
S. No. | Title of the project | Funded by | Duration | Cost (Lakhs) | Role |
1. | Monitoring and source tracking of microplastics by lichens in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya (Ongoing) | NMHS- GBPNIHE, MoEF&CC, New Delhi, Govt. of India | Three Years | 59.0 | P.I. |
2. | Characterizing Patterns and Processes of Alpine Ecosystem in Indian Himalaya with Special Emphasis to Cryptogams (completed) | Space Applications Centre (SAC-ISRO), Ahmedabad | Three Years | 34.18 | Co P.I. |
3. | Lichen community composition with reference to alpine ecosystem health assessment in Indian Himalayan regions (IHRs) (Completed) | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi | Three Years | 21.99 | P.I. |
4. | Develop a system to monitor climate changes with epiphytic lichens in India (Completed) | DST-SERB, New Delhi | Three Years | 21.60 | P.I. |
5. | Exploring suitable biomarkers in some Indian lichens to serve as an early- warning bioindiactor system for changing Environment (Completed) | DST-SERB, New Delhi | Three Years | 19.90 | P.I. |
6. | Flora and fauna report and ecological studies near Sandila area of Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh (Completed) | SGS India Pvt. Ltd. 250, UdyogVihar, Phase-IV, Gurgaon, Haryana | Six months | 0.60 | coordinator |
(Impact factor (I.F.) of the journals: from ISI citation reports, latest (2024) edition citation: actual citation of the articles according to Google Scholar on 31-01-2025).
Book/monographs/ special issue published:
Popular articles:
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Research gate:
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1806-0939