Prof. Marco Babit Mitri

Designation: Professor

Department: History



Teaching Experience:

  • Associate Professor, Union Christian College
  • Adjunct Faculty of Martin Luther Christian University

Research Projects

  1. Completed 1 Minor Research Project (UGC) 2012
  2. Completed 1 Major Research Project (NEICOD),2013-2015
  3. Completed 1 Major Research Project (UGC) 2015-18.



  1. Marco Mitri, 2009, An Outline of the Neolithic Culture of Khasi-Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, India. British Archaeological Reports Series (Bar) South Asian Archaeology Series Bar No.2013, (SAA.No.11) John & Erica Hedges Ltd. Oxford OX2 6RA, England Hadrian Books Oxford, England. ISBN 978 1 4073 0463 2
  2. Marco Mitri and Desmond Kharmawphlang (Editors) 2011, The North East Umbrella: Cultural-Historical Interaction and Isolation of Tribes in the Region (Pre-history-21st Century. DBCIC Publication [Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures]- 2011Shillong-793008, India. ISBN -81-85408-00-53
  3. Banshai L. Mawlong and Marco Mitri (Editors) 2015.  Environment-Cultural Interaction and the Tribes of North East India Cambridge Scholar Publishing. London. ISBN (10) 1-4438-7836-7 and ISBN (13) 978-1-4438-7836-4
  4. Marco Mitri, 2016. The Living Megalithic culture of Khasi-Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya, DBCIC Publication [Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures]- 2011Shillong-793008,India. ISBN 978-81-931919-0-3
  5. Marco Mitri, 2016.  U Sohpet Bneng, the Ancestral landscape: An Archaeological Recourse. Ri Khasi Enterprise, Umsohsun, Shillong.
  6. Marco Mitri, 2018.  Prehistoric Cultures through the Lens of Archaeology: The Folk Narrative of Sohpet Bneng and A Report on the Excavation of Lawnongthroh, Khasi Hills, Meghalaya. Union Christian College, Umiam Barapani Meghalaya, Publication. ISBN No.978-81-933870-5-4

Articles in Books and Journals

  1. Marco Mitri, 2004, The Folktale of U Lum Sohpet Bneng: An Ethnoarchaeological Study. Proceedings of the North East India Historical Association, Vol. XXV, pp.65-71.
  2.  Marco Mitri, 2005 Report on the Neolithic Tools from Sohpet Bneng Hill of Ri-Bhoi District in Meghalaya (An Ethnoarchaeological Study). Proceedings of the North East India Historical Association, Vol. XXVI, pp.87-95.
  3. Marco Mitri, 2008, Tradition and Archaeology: The Concept of Thunder Axe and Evidences from North East India. Nagaland Research Journal. pp 217-228. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0973-0346. 
  4. Marco Mitri, 2015. A Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Neolithic Site at Law Nongthroh (Sohpet Bneng Hill), In Khasi Hills, Meghalaya in Man and Environment: Volume. 40(1) pp.33-42. Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS). ISSSN: 0258-0446
  5. Marco Mitri, 2015. Ceramics From the Neolithic Site of Lawnongthroh, Khasi Hills, Meghalaya   Nagaland Research Journal.Volume 8, pp 153-161 Nagaland University H.Q.ISSN 0973-0346. 
  6. Marco Mitri, 2015. Excavation of Lawnongthroh (Sohpet Bneng Hill), Khasi Hills   Newsletter CASTEI, No. 20, pp 9-11. Centre for Archaeological Studies & Training, Eastern India. 
  7. Marco Mitri, 2016. An Archaeological Perspective on the Thanksgiving Ceremony at Sohpet- Bneng Peak, Anthropology Today: An International Peer Reviewed NEIRA JOURNAL, Vol.1 No.2. pp 126-140. Don Bosco Centre of Indigenous Cultures (DBCIC) Shillong. India, ISSN 2454-2709
  8. Marco Mitri and Dhiraj Neog, 2016. Preliminary Report on the Excavations of Neolithic sites from Khasi Hills Meghalaya, Ancient Asia, E-Journal of South Asian Archaeology, pp.1-17. Ubiquity Press Ltd. DOI: E-ISSN: 2042-5937
  9. Marco Mitri, 2016. Excavation Report of Myrkhan Neolithic Site, Khasi Hills. Khasi Hills   Newsletter CASTEI, No. 21, pp 11-15. Centre for Archaeological Studies & Training, Eastern India.
  10. Marco Mitri, 2016. Phytoliths and Diatoms as Bio-Indicators: A study on Micro Fossil Evidences from the archaeological Excavation of the Neolithic site of Khasi Hills, Meghalaya. Epigniosis Journal of UCC. ISBN 978-81-933870-2-3
  11. Marco Mitri and Dhiraj Neog, 2016, Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Neolithic Site of Myrkhan, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya Proceedings of the North East India Historical Association, Vol. XXXVII, ISSN 2349-753X
  12. Marco Mitri 6th Dec 2019. Exploring the Monumentality of Khasi Megaliths. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology, Kiel University, ISSN 2197-649X. doi 10.12766/jna.2019S.12
  13. Marco Mitri 12th May 2022 Impact of traditional Iron manufacturing on Forest in the Khasi hills of Meghalaya. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. International Access Peer Review Refereed Journal. Volume 10.  ISSN No. 230-2882  
  14. Marco Mitri 2nd June 2022 Neolithic Axes from the Sky; A survey on the Folk Tradition from Europe, Asia and North East India.  International Journal of Research and Analytical Review International Access Peer Review Refereed Journal. Volume 9 E-ISSN No. 2348-1269 P-ISSN 2349-5138  
  15. Marco Mitri et al., 18th July 2022 Recent research on the stone jars of Northeast India: Evidence from East Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya. Archaeological Research in Asia Vol.31,100393.
  16. Marco Mitri et.,al, 2022, A Preliminary Study of Traditional Beads of Khasi-Jaintia Hills Meghalaya Proceedings of the North East India Historical Association, Vol.
  17. Marco Mitri, 2024. Megalithic Culture of Khasi-Jaintia Hills: An Ethno-Archaeologcal Perspective. Research India Press, New Delhi. ISBN No.978-81-974281-8-0

Chapter in Books

  1. Marco Mitri, 2011, Exploring Pre-Historic Identity: Fusing Cultural Tradition and Lithic Technology North East in The North East Umbrella: Historical-Cultural Interaction among the tribes of North East India: Edited Marco Mitri and Desmond Kharmawphlang, pp 82-99. DBCIC Publication, Shillong ISBN-81-85408-00-54.
  2. Marco Mitri, 2013. Neolithic Artefact from Khasi-Jaintia Hills. Meghalaya:An Overview,  in Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures of Eastern  India,  Edited: KN Dikshit, pp. 67-78. Indian Archaeological Society, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-910635-1-6.
  3. Marco Mitri, 2014. Neolithic and Megalithic Remains of Khasi-Jaintia Hills: A Synthesis in 50 Years after Daojali Hading: Emerging Perspectives in Archaeology of North East India, Edited: Tiatoshi Jamir and Manzil Hazarika, pp.167-182. Research India Press. New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-89131-90-6
  4. Marco Mitri, 2015. Prehistoric Cultural-Environment Relationship: Impact of Iron Manufacturing on the Dynamics of Vegetation in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, Environmental-Cultural Interaction among the tribes of North East India: Edited Banshai Mawlong and Marco Mitri, pp 10-28. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, London ISBN (10) 1-4438-7836-7.
  5. Marco Mitri, 2019. Megalithic remains of Khasi-Jaintia hills, Megalithic Culture of North East India Edited Queen Bala Marak Concept Publishing New Delhi.ISBN-13:978-93-86682-70-3
  6. Marco Mitri, Tiatoshi Jamir and Tilok Thakuria. 2017, Rethinking Northeast Indian Prehistory: reappraisal to an old problem Prof. K. Paddayya Festschrift Eds: V. Selvakumar, S.K.Aruni & Hemant Dave. (in Press).

Papers and Presentations in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops

  1. Marco Mitri 2008, Stone Tools and Ceramics Technology of the Neolithic Period of Central Meghalaya Plateau National Workshop on Archeological Ceramics and Stone Tools organized by Department of Humanities IIT Guwahati. Nov 2008.
  2. Marco Mitri, 2010. NAAC: Experiences of Accreditation, A Perspective from UCC, UGC Sponsored National on Seminar on Development of Rural Colleges in the NAAC Perspective organized by IQAC UCC. September 2010.
  3. Marco Mitri, 2011, Exploring Pre-Historic Identity: Fusing Cultural Tradition and Lithic Technology North East National Seminar on The North East Umbrella: Historical-Cultural Interaction among the tribes of North East India, Organised by Department of History, Union Christian College. Meghalaya. July 2010.    
  4. Marco Mitri, 2011, Neolithic Axes from the Sky: A Survey on Folk Tradition from North East India and Asia Interim Conference on International Society of Folk Narrative Research organized by Department of Cultural and Creative Studies NEHU and International Society of Folk Narrative, NEHU, Shillong, Feb. 2011.
  5. Marco Mitri, 2013, Folk Narrative on the mortuary Practices of the Khasis of Meghalaya: An Ethno Archaeological Study on the Cist Burial Tradition, International Workshop on Genres of Belief from Folkloristic Perspective. Organized by Department of Cultural and Creative Studies NEHU and Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, Estonia at Raid Maiong, Assam, Feb. 2013.
  6. Marco Mitri, 2012, Archaeology as Source of History, College Workshop, on Career Guidance for Students of History Organized by Department of History St’ Mary’s College Shillong, 2nd August 2012.
  7. Marco Mitri, 2014, Prehistoric Cultural-Environment Relationship: Impact of Iron Manufacturing on the Dynamics of Vegetation in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya National Seminar on Cultura-Environmental Interaction among the tribes of North East India, Organised by Department of History and Political Science Union Christian College. Meghalaya. May 2014.
  8. Marco Mitri, 2014, Rock- Art and Engravings in Meghalaya India, National Workshop on Multi-Disciplinary Survey, Research and Documentation of Rock-Art of North East India,Orgnaised by Department of anthropology, NEHU and Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, December 2014.
  9. Marco Mitri and JP Marak, 2015, Phytoliths and Diatoms as Bio-Indicators: A study on Micro Fossil evidences from the archaeological Excavation and Modern samples.  International Seminar on Climate Change: Impact on Developing Organised by Union Christian College. Meghalaya. October 2015.
  10. Marco Mitri, 2016, Sohpet Bneng Hill, From a Profane to the Sacred Landscape: Evidences from Archaeology National Conference on Crises of Multiple Identities in Contemporary World Orgnaised by Department of Humanities IIT Guwahati, 15-17  February 2016.
  11. Marco Mitri, 2016, Neolithic Cultural Materials from Khasi Hills of Central Meghalaya Plateau 22nd International Symposium on Himalayan Language organized at IIT Guwahati June 2016.
  12. Marco Mitri, 2016, The Archeological Site of Lawnongthroh, Khasi Hills Meghalaya, at National Symposium on Heritage of North East India organized by ASI  Guwahati Circle, November 2016.
  13. Marco Mitri, 2017, Piecing the Prehistory of Khasi-Jaintia Hills at the International Seminar on World Heritage Week organized by Directorate of Archeology Assam on the subject Archeological Heritage of South Asia, 19-21 November 2017.Guwahati
  14. Marco Mitri, 2019, Ecology in Tradition; Exploring the cultural context of the Sacred Groves in Khasi-Jaintia hills of Meghalaya. National Seminar organized by CPR Environmental Education Centre, Chennai and Lady Keane College Shillong , supported by Ministry of Forest and Climate Change Government of India.  
  15. Marco Mitri et al., 2022 Meghalaya and UN Vision-2030: In Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal. National Seminar organized by Meghalaya College Teachers Association on 8th June 2022 at UCC.
  16. Marco Mitri, 2022, Speaker on National Seminar on Meghalayan Age Day Impact of Iron on the Dynamics of Vegetation in Khasi Hills” at the MLCU hall, Main Campus, Nongrah. 14th June 2022

 Invited Talks/ Resource Person/Presentations  

  1. Marco Mitri, 2013, TArchaeology a Source of History, Regional Workshop on Career Guidance for Students of History Organized by St’ Mary’s College Shillong. July 2013. 
  2. Marco Mitri, 2015, Resource Person National Seminar on Cultural Diversity and Social Integrity of North East- Its Past Present and Future organized by Karmashree Hiteshwar Saikia College, Guwahati, Assam  September 2015.
  3. Marco Mitri, Three Days Presentation of Archaeological Research Material from Meghalaya at MONOLITH FESTIVAL, Meghalaya, Organized by KHADC, 2016.
  4. Marco Mitri 2016. From Profane to Sacred Landscape. Annual Lecture Series, Guest Lecture at ICHR Centre NE Region Guwahati. May 2016   
  5. Marco Mitri, 2016, Topic: Contribution of Archaeological Evidences to Cultural Studies Folk narrative at the UGC Sponsored Summer School, Organized by Department of Culture and Creative Studies NEHU, May 2016. 
  6.  Marco Mitri, 2016, Topic: Archaeology and Folk Tradition at the IGNCA sponsored Seminar on The Life and Works of Auriel Stein organized by Department of Mass Communication and Journalism NEHU, August 2016.
  7. Marco Mitri. 2017, Topic: Issues of threat to the Ethnic identity of the tribes in Meghalaya at the 1st North East Indigenous People’s Conference, 7th Sept.2017, Guwahati.
  8. Marco Mitri. 2017, Piecing the Prehistory of Khasi-Jaintia Hills at the International Seminar on “Archaeological Heritage of South Asia” for the World Heritage Week organised by the Directorate of Archaeology Assam. , 19th -21st November 2017
  9. Marco Mitri. 2018, Key Note speaker at; Building Big? Global Scales of Monumentality –An ethno-archaeological perspective. PhD course and international workshop, Dialogues with the Past. Organised by Department of Archaeology and Conservation History Universitry of Oslo, Graduate School Human Development in Landscapes', Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany, The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology and Department of History and Archaeology Nagaland University Kohima in Nagaland, India 12-24 March 2018
  10. Marco Mitri, 2018, Monumentality in Khasi-Jaintia Prehistory Resource Person at the National Seminar on Khasi History in Stone at the “Robin Laloo Memorial Lecture” organized by Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong 10th April 2018    
  11. Marco Mitri 27th April 2018, Topic: Neolithic Cultural Materials from Meghalaya Resource Person Department of HSS IIT as part of the annual Lecture Series of the Department.  
  12. Marco Mitri 2018 Resource Person at National Workshop on Archaeology: Methods and Approaches organized by Indian Council of Historical Research and Department of History and Archaeology Nagaland University 30th April -7rd May 2018
  13. Marco Mitri, March 2019, Resource Person for Two Session of the UGC sponsored Refreshers Course Organized by Department of Culture and Creative Studies NEHU, Shillong.
  14. Marco Mitri 26-28 August 2019 Recent excavations in Khasi -Jaintia hills at the  National Seminar: “Archaeology of Northeast India: Retrospect and Prospect” Department of History and Archaeology, NEHU, Tura, Meghalaya, in collaboration with Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS)
  15. Marco Mitri, 23rd November 2020, Topic: The Tangible Heritage of Prehistoric Meghalaya Speaker, International Webinar Organised by Martin Luther Christian University as part of Heritage Week Celebration
  16. Marco Mitri, 25th November 2020, Topic: The Neolithic-Megalithic Equations Resource Person, National level Webinar Organised by Unity College Dimapur, Nagaland in collaboration with the Department of History and Archaeology Nagaland University
  17. Marco Mitri, 16 November 2021, Speaker on National Seminar: “Natural and Cultural Heritage of Meghalaya” at the MLCU hall, Main Campus, Nongrah.
  18. Marco Mitri, 2022, Prehistoric Iron manufacturing industry in the Khasi Hills: Its change and survival. Speaker on International Webminar INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE IN TRANSFORMATION: Organised by Kiel University, Germany and Department of History & Archaeology Nagaland University, 20th -21st October 2022
  19. Marco Mitri 2022, Insights from Archeology on the current state of the knowledge of human movements and interactions in the North East. The 3rd International Workshop in Scientific Applications in South Asian Archaeology organized by University of Chicago, Birla Institute of Paleo Sciences and Nagaland University at Kohima 8th- 10th December 2022

Other Academic Contribution

  1. Consultant and Honorary Member of Don Bosco Center of Indigenous Cultures, Shillong 
  2. Member of the Doctoral Committee in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Guwahati
  3. Member of the Doctoral Committee and Adjunct Faculty, Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong-2017-2021
  4. Founding Member of the Governing Board of KH Meribon College, Sohiong. Meghalaya
  5. Expert Advisory Committee member of Tribal Research Institute, Govt. of Meghalaya