Dr. Ardeline M. Buhphang

Designation: Associate Professor

Department: Mathematics


M.Phil. (NEHU), PhD. (NEHU)

Website: www.sites.google.com/view/ardeline

Areas of Interest/Specialization: Associative Algebras, Module Theory

Experience: 21 years

Ph.D. : Awarded: 5, Ongoing: 3.

M.Phil. Student: Awarded: 5.

Administrative responsibilities undertaken:

  1. Currently, Teacher-in-charge of the department since January 2022.
  2. Co-Ordinator of UGC-SAP (DRS, Phase-II) for a period of five years from 01.04.2016 till 31.03.2021.
  3. Teacher-in-charge of the department during 01.09.2016 till 05.12.2018.


  1. Dutta, D.M. and Buhphang, A.M., On nil ideals and Jacobson radical of Leavitt path algebras over commutative rings (To appear in "Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications").
  2. Buhphang, A.M., Goswami, R. and Kuber, A., A note on injectivity of monomial algebras, https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.07958 (preprint).
  3. Buhphang, A.M. and Dutta, D.M., On weakly nil-semicommutative rings, Journal of Algebra and Related Topics, 2023, DOI: 10.22124/JART.2023.23498.1477.
  4. Singh, H., Buhphang, A.M. and Rege, M.B., Armendariz Modules and Niltorsionless Modules, Mathematical Reports, 25(75)(2023), 319-329.
  5. Subba, S., Subedi, T. & Buhphang, A.M. Pointwise Semicommutative Rings. Math Notes 114(2023), 1350–1357.
  6. Das, S. and Buhphang, A.M., On rings whose cyclic are Utumi modules, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, vol. 11(2)(2022), 362-371.
  7. Das, S. and Buhphang, A.M., On principally small-injective rings, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2,(2021).
  8. Buhphang, A.M., Das, S., Gonzalez, C.M. and Molina, M.S., Socle-injective semiprime rings, with some applications to Leavitt path algebras, Communications in Algebra, 49(3)(2021), 1128 – 1145.
  9. Das, S. and Buhphang, A.M., Rings characterized by dual-Utumi-modules, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, (2019) 2050229.
  10. Subedi T. and Buhphang A.M., On left SF-rings and strongly regular rings, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 56(2016), pp.861-866.
  11. Subedi T. and Buhphang A.M., On SF-rings and regular rings, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 53(2013), pp.397-406.
  12. Buhphang A.M., Halicioglu S., Harmanci A., Hera Singh K., Kose H.Y and Rege M.B., On rigid modules, East West Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2013), pp. 71-85.
  13. Subedi T. and Buhphang A.M., On strongly regular rings and generalizations of V-rings, International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 14(2013), pp.10-18.
  14. Subedi T. and Buhphang A.M., On weakly regular rings and generalizations of V-rings, International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 10(2011), pp.162-173.
  15. Rege M.B. and Buhphang A.M., On reduced modules and rings, International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 3(2008), pp.58-74.
  16. Rege M.B. and Buhphang A.M., Integrally closed rings and the Armendariz property, International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 1(2007), pp.11-17.
  17. Buhphang A.M. and Rege M.B., Semi-commutative modules and Armendariz modules, Arab Journal of Math. Sc., 8(2002), pp.53-65.

Papers presented in Conferences/Seminars:

  1. “An account on certain annihilating properties in Leavitt path algebras”, Universidad de Malaga, Malaga, Spain, 24th July 2024.
  2. “On Pointwise Semicommutative rings”, 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Sevilla, Spain, 17th July 2024.
  3. “An exposition on the injectivity of Leavitt Path Algebras”, FiLPART, Bohol, Philippines, July 2024.
  4. “On certain classes of injective rings”, 37th Annual Conference of Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 7th December, 2022.
  5. “Some vanishing conditions on Leavitt-path algebras”, Asia-Australia Algebra Conference, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, 23rd January, 2019.
  6. “Some properties of n-Armendariz rings”, Non-commutative rings and their applications - IV, Universite d’Artois, Lens, France, June 2015

Workshops and Conferences:

  1. 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Sevilla, Spain, 15th July, 2024 – 19th July, 2024.
  2. Frontiers in Leavitt Path Algebras and Related Topics (FiLPART), Research Centre for Theoretical Physics, Bohol, Philippines, 8th July, 2024 – 12th July, 2024.
  3. CIMPA School on Current Trends in Algebra, Dumaguete, Philippines, 29th January, 2024 – 9th February, 2024.
  4. 37th Annual Conference of Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 6th December, 2022 – 8th December, 2022.
  5. Asia - Australia Algebra Conference, Western Sydney University, Australia, 21st January, 2019 – 25th January, 2019.
  6. School on Cluster Algebra, ICTS Bangalore, India, 8th December, 2018 – 22nd December, 2018.
  7. Topics in Ring Theory, Muizenberg, South Africa, 16th July, 2018 – 28th July, 2018.
  8. CIMPA School on Recent Trends in Non-Commutative Algebras, IISER Pune, India, 19t June, 2017 – 30th June, 2017.
  9. Noncommutative rings and their applications - IV, University of Artois, France, 8th June, 2015 – 11th June, 2015.

Workshops Organized:

  1. Frontiers in Leavitt Path Algebras and Related Topics (FiLPART), Research Centre   for Theoretical Physics, Bohol, Philippines, July 2024, funded by European Mathematical Society, K-Theory Foundation and CIMPA.
  2. Instructional School for Teachers on Algebra and Number Theory sponsored by the National Centre for Mathematics, 2023.
  3. Instructional School for Teachers on Rings and Modules sponsored by the National Centre for Mathematics, 2019.
  4. UGC SAP Conference on Topology and Algebra, 2018 and 2019.
  5. Satellite Conference on Rings and Near Rings funded by the International Congress of Mathematics, 2010.