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Name Department Contact Email
Desmond L Kharmawphlang
Cultural and Creative Studies (O)272 3374 (M)9863060983 desmondkharmawphlang@gmail.com
S.K. Nanda
Cultural and Creative Studies (O)272 3382 3372 (M)9436702498 sknanda@nehu.ac.in
Lapynshai Syiem
(Associate Professor)
Cultural and Creative Studies (O)272 3376 (M)9863036346 lsyiem@nehu.ac.in
Solony Bareh
(Associate Professor)
Cultural and Creative Studies (M)9612550079
Bedanta Kalita
(Assistant Professor)
Cultural and Creative Studies (O)272 3375 (M)9365928972 bedantanehu@gmail.com
Christopher Kurbah
(Asisstant Professor)
Cultural and Creative Studies (O)272 3378 (M)8794211481 ckurbah@nehu.ac.in