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Name Department Contact Email
D.C. Kalita
Rural Development and Agricultural Production (O)272 03651-221407 (M)7005473148 himalidurga@gmail.com
S.C. Srivastava
Rural Development and Agricultural Production (O)272 03651-221407 (M)9436313379 subhash58nehu@yahoo.co.in
B.K. Mishra
(Associate Professor)
Rural Development and Agricultural Production (O)272 03651-221407 (M)9436306259 birendramishra14@gmail.com
B. Mathew
(Associate Professor)
Rural Development and Agricultural Production (O)272 (M)9436337013; 87873317 drbmathew@gmail.com
Lolly S. Pereira
(Associate Professor)
Rural Development and Agricultural Production (M)9402507945 drlollysp@gmail.com