A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Name Department Contact Email
S Neog
(Assistant Professor)
Information Technology (O)272 3613 (M)9436349191 sangitaneog@nehu.ac.in
S. Majaw
(Associate Professor)
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (O)272 2407 (M)7085053019 smajaw2021@gmail.com
S. Mitra
Chemistry (O)272 2634
(R)2726634 (M)9436161736
S. Purkayastha
(Assistant Professor)
Geography (O)272 3204 (M)9863062813 subratashg@yahoo.com
S. Ravi Kumar
(Assistant Professor)
Library and Information Science (O)272 3146 (M)9862305939 ravikumarnehu@gmail.com
S. C. Subudhi
Education (Tura Campus) (M)9436703629 sibasubudhi.nehu25@gmail.com
S. K. Jha
(Associate Professor)
Statistics (O)272 2907 (M)9436709078 skjha@nehu.ac.in
S. Maya
(Associate Professor)
Philosophy (M)9497481653 maya@nehu.ac.in
S. R. Hajong
Zoology (O)272 2332
(R)2726332 (M)9436119216
S. R. Joshi
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (O)272 2405 srjoshi@nehu.ac.in
S. S. Chaturvedi
(Associate Professor)
Environmental Studies (O)272 1160 (M)9436163867 sschaturvedi@nehu.ac.in
S. S. Pohlong
(Assistant Professor)
Physics (O)272 2838 sspohlong@yahoo.com
S.C. Srivastava
Rural Development and Agricultural Production (Tura Campus) (O)272 03651-221407 (M)9436313379 subhash58nehu@yahoo.co.in
S.K. Barik
Botany (O)272 2216 (M)9436100688 sarojkbarik@gmail.com
S.K. Nanda
Cultural and Creative Studies (O)272 3382 3372 (M)9436702498 sknanda@nehu.ac.in
Sabyasachi Mondal
(Associate Professor)
Mathematics (O)272 2714 (M)9932020872 sabyasachimondal@nehu.ac.in
Sainath Vithal Chaple
(Assistant Professor)
Hindi (M)9441674213 saichaple@nehu.ac.in
Sainkupar Mn Mawiong
(Assistant Professor)
Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (O)272 3649 (M)9863022257 skupar@gmail.com
Samar Jyoti Hazarika
(Assistant Professor)
Energy Engineering (O)272 3956 (M)9485125317 sjhazarika@nehu.ac.in
Samir Kumar Lenka
(Associate Professor)
Education (O)272 3348 (M)8249823723 samirlenka@nehu.ac.in
Samrat Paul
(Associate Professor)
Energy Engineering (O)272 3953 (M)9485043421 samrat@nehu.ac.in
Sanat Das
(Assistant Professor)
Energy Engineering (O)272 3955 (M)8414805730 sanat@nehu.ac.in ; sanatdas2006@gmail.com
Sanghita Dutta
(Assistant Professor)
Mathematics (O)272 2718
(R)2722041 (M)9436104791
Santosh Kumar
Mathematics (O)272 2722 (M)9711119077 santoshkumar@nehu.ac.in
Saralin Lyngdoh
(Assistant Professor)
Linguistics (O)272 3317 (M)8837396270 saralyngdoh@gmail.com
Saru Joshi
(Assistant Professor)
Education (Tura Campus) (M)8133955811
Satya Prakash Dash
Political Science (M)9438535855 satyaprakash@nehu.ac.in
Satya Prakash Pati
(Associate Professor)
Physics (M)8260253166 pati@nehu.ac.in
Saurabh Kumar Dixit
(Associate Professor)
Tourism and Hotel Management (O)272 3443 (M)9436565964 saurabh5sk@yahoo.com
Setolu Tunyi
(Assistant Professor)
English (M)8800346741
Shailendra Kumar Singh
Linguistics (O)272 3319 (M)9863279254 sksingh@nehu.ac.in
Sharad Kumar Kulshreshtha
(Assistant Professor)
Tourism and Hotel Management (O)272 3446 (M)8414803375 sharad_mta@yahoo.com
Sheena Haorongbam
(Assistant Professor )
Agri-Business Management and Food Technology (Tura Campus) (M)8413035334 sheenahaorongbam@gmail.com
Sherwin May Sungoh
Education (O)272 3344 (M)9436307570 smsungoh@gmail.com
Shimti Kharmawphlang
(Assistant Professor)
Commerce (O)272 3163 (M)8575037174 skharmawphlang@nehu.ac.in
Shishir Tiwari
(Assistant Professor)
Law (O)272 3811 (M)9774048166 shishir@nehu.ac.in
Shobhan N. Lamare
History (O)272 3012 (M)8974286650 sholamare@rediffmail.com
Shruti Shukla
(Associate Professor )
Nanotechnology (M)7000796961 shrutishukla@nehu.ac.in
Shyamal Mandal
(Assistant Professor)
Biomedical Engineering (O)272 3858 (M)9089163734 smandal@nehu.ac.in ; shyamal.mandal.iit@gmail.com
Sirsendu Sekhar Ray
Biomedical Engineering (O)272 3864 (M)8249247236 ssray@nehu.ac.in
Snehadrinarayan Khatua
(Assistant Professor)
Chemistry (O)272 2636 (M)9774408269 skhatua@nehu.ac.in
Solony Bareh
(Associate Professor)
Cultural and Creative Studies (M)9612550079
Somjyoti Mridha
(Assistant Professor)
English (O)272 3525 (M)8729831330 somjyoti.mridha@gmail.com
Srimoyee Ghosh
Zoology (O)272 2336 (M)9774566179 srimoyee@nehu.ac.in
Streamlet Dkhar
Khasi (O)272 3305 3501 (M)9436117479 s.dkhar@rediffmail.com
Subhas Chandra Sahana
(Assistant Professor)
Information Technology (O)272 3619
(R)2726619 (M)9402135453
subhas.sahana@gmail.com, scsahana@nehu.ac.in
Subhash C. Arya
Electronics and Communication Engineering (O)272 3669 (M)9862284358 scarya@nehu.ac.in
Sudhakar Pandey
(Associate Professor)
Physics spandey@nehu.ac.in
Sudip Paul
(Associate Professor)
Biomedical Engineering (O)272 3855 (M)9485026088 spaul@nehu.ac.in
Sudipta Ghosh
(Assistant Professor)
Anthropology (O)272 3106
(R)2722085 (M)9402197793
Sufal Das
(Assistant Professor)
Information Technology (O)272 3618 (M)9402195496 sufal.das@gmail.com
Sujata Gurudev
English (Tura Campus) (M)9436308026 s_gurudev@rediffmail.com
Sukalpa Bhattacharjee
English (O)272 3506
(R)2726506 (M)9436703957
Sukhdev Singh
(Associate Professor)
English (Tura Campus) (M)9709903292 dr.singhs@outlook.com
Sultana Begum Abida Mazumdar
(Assistant Professor)
Management (Tura Campus) (M)7002801707 mazumdersultana@gmail.com
Suman Kumaria
Botany (O)272 2210 (M)9863068044 sumankhatrikumaria@gmail.com
Sumarbin Umdor
Economics (O)272 3179 (M)9436117388 sumdor@rediffmail.com
Sunil Kumar
(Associate Professor)
Horticulture (Tura Campus) (O)272 3651 223107 3651 220014
(R)272612 2541106 (M)9436306260
Sunil Kumar De
Geography (O)272 3205 (M)9862009202 desunil@nehu.ac.in
Sunildro L.S. Akoijam
(Associate Professor)
Management (Tura Campus) (M)8414025532 sunildroakoijam@nehu.ac.in
Suranjana Choudhury
(Assistant Professor)
English (O)272 3524 (M)9612167885 suranjanaz@gmail.com
Surya Bhan
Biochemistry (O)272 2130 (M)9436349351 suryabhan@nehu.ac.in
Sushanta Kabir Dutta
(Associate Professor)
Electronics and Communication Engineering (O)272 3665 (M)9436333097 sushantatzp@gmail.com
Susmita Sengupta
Political Science (O)272 3032 (M)9436110674 ssg62@rediffmail.com