Dr. Sultana Begum Abida Mazumdar

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Management

Joined NEHU on



M.B.A (Assam University), UGC NET 2011, PhD (Assam University)

Area of Specialization: 

Marketing, Consumer Behavior Studies and Development Finance


12 years of teaching experience at the Department of Management, NEHU, Tura Campus.

Academic Books Published:

Mazumder S. B. (2020) Impact of Migrant Remittances on Household Savings and Investment. Sunmarg Publications ISBN: 978-93-82606-97-0

Currently Guiding Ph.D. Scholars:

  • Topa Mallick (Date of registration: 06-09-2019): Green Consumption Behaviour of Teachers in Higher Education in Meghalaya.
  • Andrena Malngiang (Date of registration: 11-09-2019): International Remittances and household Sector Development: A Study in East Khasi Hills District  of Meghalaya
  • Himangshu Sekhar Bharadwaj (Date of registration: 14.03.2022): Dynamics of children’s influence on family buying behaviour: A study of food products in Kamrup Metropolitan District, Assam


Research Papers Published:

  1. Bharadwaj H. S., Mazumder, S. B.A. (2023, June). Promotional Strategies in Street Vending: Understanding Consumer Behaviour in Guwahati City. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 13 (6) ISSN 2347-7180, UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer-Reviewed, Bilingual and Referred Journal. Pages 1-8.
  2. Mallick T., Mazumder, S. B.A. (2023, May). Going Green: The Role of Sociodemographic Factors and Psychological Commitments. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 13 (5) ISSN 2347-7180, UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer-Reviewed, Bilingual and Referred Journal. Pages 77-90.
  3. Akoijam, S.L.S., Mazumder, S.B.A. and Sharma, L.S. (2023, 15 May), "Panic buying in the second wave of COVID-19: the moderating effect of past buying experience", Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. 7 No. 6. ISSN 1558-7894,. Pages 1205-1227,   ISSN- 1558-7894. Doi: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JABS-03-2022-0117/full/html?skipTracking=true
  4. Akoijam, S.L.S. and Mazumder, S.B.A. (04 Jul 2023) ‘To buy or not to buy: factors influencing online purchase intention across clothing and apparel, consumer electronics and personal care products’, Int. J. Electronic Marketing and Retailing, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.294–312. ISSN- 1741-1025. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEMR.2023.131811
  5. Mazumder, S. B., Bhattacharjee  D. (2022, January). Case Study on Quick-O-Book- an Online Appointment Booking System for Patients in North-East India. IITM Journal of Business Studies (JBS), 10 (1) ISSN 2393-9451, a UGC Care listed Journal. Pages 393-405.
  6. Mazumder, S. B., Chanda, D., Nilanjan, M.,  , Ghose, D. (2022, January). Operations of Online Food Delivery System: A study of the pertinent Factors in the Cachar District of Assam. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 12 (1) ISSN 2347-7180, UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer-Reviewed, Bilingual and Referred Journal. Pages 7-13.
  7. Laskar, M. A., Mazumder, S. B., Ghose, D. (2021, August). Mobile Payment Applications Adaptability amongst Street Vendors during Post Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study in the Silchar City of Assam. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Special Issue on Recent Research Trends in Management, Science and Technology, ISSN: 2319-4979, Pages 1133-1145.
  8. Debnath, P., Laskar, Ghose, Mazumder, S. B., (2021, August). Impact of Material Handling Operations in Controlling Damages: A Study on Selected Hub. Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Special Issue on Recent Research Trends in Management, Science and Technology, ISSN: 2319-4979, Pages 2145-2150
  9. Mazumder, S. B. (2021, April). Determinants of Remittances: A Study in Cachar District of Assam. Global Business Review, 22 (2), Sage Publications, 474-484. ISSN- 0972-1509. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/09721509188115
  10. Hasan, N. S., Ghose, D., Mazumder, S. B., & Paul, P. G. (2020, December). Service Operations Process Through Quality Function Deployment (QFD): A Study on Maruti True Value Operations at Silchar City in Assam. Shod Sanchar Bulletin, 9(1), 16-25.
  11. Mazumder, S. B., & Nath, B. D. (2020, October). Mazumder, S. B., & Nath, B. D. (2020). Remittances and the Expenditure Pattern of the Left-Behinds in Rural Assam. Shod Sanchar Bulletin, 10(40), 83-90.
  12. Mazumder, S. B., & Nath, B. D. (2020, January). Determinants of Consumption of Remittances by the Families of the International Migrants in Assam. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 9(1), 1630-1636.
  13. Mazumder, S. B. (2017). Remittances: A Review. PRAYAS- An International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Studies, IV (I), 26-55.
  14. Mazumder, S. B. (2017). Remittances and household savings and investment. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 7 (9), 61-65. ISSN 2231-5756
  15. Mazumder, S. B. (2016). The remittance market in India. PRAYAS- An International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Studies, III (I), 54-67. ISSN 2348-618X
  16. Ahmed, J. U., Rashid, M. A. & Mazumder, S. B. (2012, July-September). Institutional financing of Small and Medium Enterprises in India: An Empirical Diagnosis in Garo Hills of Meghalaya. International Journal of Technology and Business Management, 1(1), 47-69. ISSN 2319-6815

Research papers published in Edited Books, Seminar/Conference Proceedings etc.

  1. Mazumder, S. B. A (2023). Revolutionizing Marketing Research: An In-Depth Exploration of Neuro Marketing. In: Changing Landscape of Business
  2. Opportunities Challenges and Priorities, J.U. Ahmed and K. Adhikari (Eds.). Adhyayan Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN- 978-93-6506-489-6, [Section I, Chapter 6, pp. 64-77].
  3. Mallick, T. and Mazumder, S. B. A (2023). Understanding Consumer Attitude Towards Green Marketing Strategies and Initiatives. In: Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Management Practices: Priorities and Perspectives, Amit Kumar Das and Nilanjana Chakraborty (Eds.). Mittal Publications. ISBN- 978-93-94569-65-2, [Chapter 4, pp. 41-58].
  4. Mazumder, S. B. A (2023). Beyond Rapacity and Panic: Understanding Behavioural Finance. In: Behavioural Finance and Investment strategies, J.U. Ahmed (Ed.). New Century Publications. ISBN-978-81-7708-545-7. [Chapter 8, pp. 98-111].
  5. Mazumder, S. B. A (2023) & Malngiang A. Behavioural Finance: Learning from Market Anomalies. In: Behavioural Finance and Investment strategies, J.U. Ahmed (Ed.). New Century Publications. ISBN-978-81-7708-545-7. [Chapter 12, pp. 140-148].
  6. Mazumder, S. B. (2018). International Migrant Remittances: Their Role and impact. In M. S. Jahur, & S. M. Uddin, Finance for sustainable development. Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Chittagong. (167-181)
  7. Mazumder, S. B. (2016). Internet marketing: A new era of marketing. In D. Bhagat, & S. L. Akoijam, Agricultural marketing system in India: A comparative exploration with manufacturing and services sector (pp. 83-102). Biotech Books, New Delhi ISBN 978-81-7622-361-4
  8. Mazumder, S. B, & Gupta, R. (2015). Indo-ASEAN connectivity from Northeast perspective: An implication on Barak plain. In A. Bhattacharjee, Look east policy: Perspectives from the South East Asian architecture (pp. 65-73) Excel India Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN 978-93-84869-86-1
  9. Mazumder, S. B., & Singh, G. (2015). Women entrepreneurship in India- Issues and challenges. In K. D. Singh, Entrepreneurship – A drive towards socio-economic development (pp. 137-151) Manas Publishers and Distributors. ISBN 978-93-83231-23-2.
  10. Mazumder, S. B. (2014). Remittances and micro enterprises. In J. U. Ahmed, & K. D. Singh, Entrepreneurship development- Issues and Perspectives (pp.148-166) New Century Publications. ISBN-978-81-7708-414-6
  11. Mazumder, S. B. (2014). Priority sector lending- Policies and issues. In J. U. Ahmed, & K. D. Singh, Financing priority sector in India: Scenario, Setback and Solutions (pp.29-40) Jaipur: Manash Publishers & Distributors. ISBN 978-93-83231-21-8
  12. Mazumder, S. B., & Akoijam, S. (2014). Crimes against women- global scenario. In S. Sarkar, Crimes Against Women. (pp. 54-68) Mangalam Publications. ISBN 978-93-82983-24-8.
  13. Mazumder, S. B. (2014). Emergence of Islamic financial services in India. In K. C. Biswal, & G. Singaiah, Emerging trends of Financial Services of India (pp.122-130) Himalaya Publications. ISBN 978-93-5202-623

Papers Presented at Seminars/Conferences etc.:

  1. Mallick T & Mazumder S. B. (2024, June 20-21).  Exploring Teachers’ Attitude Towards Green Products in Meghalaya [Paper presentation]. International Conference on contemporary issues in E-management and social sciences in the era of artificial intelligence jointly organised by Department of Management, North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus and North Eastern Management Association (NEMA) India during 20th and 21st June 2024 organized by the Department of Management, North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus.
  2. Mallick T & Mazumder S. B. (2022, August 25-26).  Understanding consumer attitude towards green marketing strategies and initiatives [Paper presentation]. 16th GJ National Seminar on “Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Management Practices: Priorities and Perspectives” organized by the Department of Business Administration, Assam University, sponsored by ICSSR (MHRD, Government of India).
  3. Mallick T & Mazumder S. B. (2022, July 29). Is green behavior a response to the growing environmental challenges of a globalized world? [Paper presentation]. 16th GJ International Conference on “Challenge of Changing Patterns in a Borderless World” at Gyan Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology University, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Mohali, India.
  4. Bharadwaj H.S & Mazumder S. B. (2022, May 27-28). Impact of Promotional Strategies adopted by Street Vendors on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Guwahati city. [Paper presentation]. National Conference on “The New Normal - Recent Trends in Business and Management 2022” at Kalinga University, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
  5. Mazumder S. B. & Malngiang A. (2021, September 1-2). International Remittances and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. [Paper presentation]. International Seminar on ‘Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Business and Economy: Lesson from COVID-19 Pandemic’ organized by International University of Business Agriculture And Technology, Bangladesh and Faculty of Management and Commerce, The ICFAI University of Tura.
  6. Mazumder S. B. & Malngiang A. (2020, January 10-11). Remittances and Household Sector Development. [Paper presentation]. International Conference on ‘Global Business and Social Issues, 2020’organized by Department of Business Administration, Assam University in association with Youth Empowerment and Research Association, Varanasi
  7. Mazumder S. B. (2019, December 30-31). Migration from Assam and the Pattern of Consumption of the Remittances. [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Science (ICMESS)’ organized by Researchfora, Goa.
  8. Mazumder S. B. (2019, 31 October- 1 November, 2019.). End-use of Worker’s remittances in Cachar District in Assam. [Paper presentation]. International Conference on ‘Sustainable Business Management and Information Technology’ organized by Department of Management, Mizoram University & North Eastern Management Association (NEMA).
  9. Mazumder S. B. & Bhattacharjee D. (2018, November 16-17). Entrepreneurship in Silchar: a case study of Quickobook. [Paper presentation]. National Seminar on Entrepreneurship and business innovation in north-east India: A gap in micro and small industries, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus.
  10. Mazumder S. B. (2018, March 15). International migrant remittances: Their Role and Impact. [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Finance for sustainable development, organized by Department of Finance, Faculty of Business administration, University of Chittagong.
  11. Mazumder S. B. & Gupta R. (2015, June 26). Indo Asean connectivity from northeast perspective: an implication on Barak plain. [Paper presentation]. International Seminar on Look east policy: perspectives from the south East Asian architecture, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus.
  12. Mazumder S. B. & Singh S. (2014, June 27). Remittances and Micro-enterprises. [Paper presentation]. International Seminar on Entrepreneurship in the fast changing society, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus.
  13. Mazumder S. B. & Singh S. (2013, June 4). Women Entrepreneurs in India: Determinants and Challenges. [Paper presentation]. National Seminar on Entrepreneurship: A Drive towards Socio-Economic Development, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus.
  14. Mazumder S. B. & Rahman H. (2014, November 21). Emergence of Islamic Financial Services in India. [Paper presentation]. National Seminar on Emerging trends of financial services in India, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus.

Participated in Workshops/Faculty Development Programmes etc.:

  1. Participated in a week online national workshop on Statistical Data Analysis Using SPSS organised by the Department of Statistics Dibrugarh University held from 4th to 10th November 2024.
  2. Participated in an AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Operations Management" from 16/08/2021 to 20/08/2021 at Goa College of Engineering.
  3. Participated in a Five-day Faculty Development Programme on the theme “Pedagogical Practices of New India under National Education Policy 2020” organized jointly by Department of Business Administration/Management, Tripura University, Assam University and Manipur University held during 07-11 October 2020.
  4. Participated in a Faculty Development Program on “Stress Management” organized by Polytechnic, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad sponsored by the ATAL Academy, AICTE, New Delhi during 2nd November to 6th November, 2020.
  5. Participated in a Five-Day Faculty Development Program on “Pedagogical Practices of New India Under National Education Policy, 2020 jointly organised by Tripura University, Manipur University and Assam University during October 7 to October 11, 2020.
  6. Participated in 3rd Summer School on Behavioural Finance held on 15th June 2020 to 19th June 2020 at Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad-211015.
  7. Participated and completed a 6-day online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on LibreOffice Suite Writer organized by Govt. College Una (HP) in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay (An Initiative of National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India) from 15th May to 20th May, 2020.
  8. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme sponsored by National implementing and monitoring agency for training (NIMAT) under aegis of NSTEDB, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus from 2-14 March, 2020. 
  9. Participated in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Business studies organized by, organized by North-Eastern Hill University, Tura, from 18th November to 1st December, 2019.
  10. Participated in a Workshop on Research Methodology, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus from 13-17 May, 2019.
  11. Participated in 45th UGC HRDC Sponsored Orientation programme in Business studies organized by, organized by North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong during 20th August-16th September, 2018.
  12. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship Development sponsored by NSTEDB, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus from 1-14th March, 2018. 
  13. Participated in Management Development Programme on Managing people and performance in Organization, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 15th and 16th June, 2017 
  14. Participated in Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members on Enhancement of Capacities of Researchers in Social Science Research Areas- an Attempt for Transformation in Research Attitudes and Aptitudes, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus during 5th to 18th May, 2017. 
  15. Participated in a Seven Days Training Course in SPSS for Ph.D. Students in Social Science organized by Department of Statistics, Assam University, Silchar during 20-26 September, 2016.
  16. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Modern Teaching Pedagogies in Management Education”, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus during 1-7 December, 2015.
  17. Participated in workshops on Developing case study method of teaching in management education, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 10-13 June, 2015. 
  18. Participated in Capacity Building Programme on “Critical Research Thought Process” organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus during 24th November-7th December, 2014. 
  19. Participated in a “North-Eastern Workshop on latex: A document Preparation System” organized by Department of Computer Applications, North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus from 16-17 September, 2014.
  20. Participated in a Research methodology course on Research Methodology course for social sciences, organized by Department of Education, University of Calcutta from January 6-16th, 2014.
  21. Participated in Workshop on Data Analysis for Business Research, organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata and Department of Business Administration, Assam University from December 12-14, 2013.
  22. Participated in a winter school programme, “Special Winter School in Management Sciences” organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus from 2-24 September, 2013.
  23. Participated in Capacity Building Programme on Training Programme on Capacity Building for University/College Teachers in Social Sciences, organized Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, from 10th May to 23rd May, 2013.
  24. Participated in Training Programme on Training Programme on Computer and Statistical Methods in Social Science, organized Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, from 18th April to 27th April, 2013. 
  25. Participated in Workshop on Statistical tools in Scientific Research, organized Bioinformatics Centre (DBT-BIF), Assam University, from 7th April to 12th April, 2012. 
  26. Participated in Workshop on Research Planning to Project Writing, organized Department of Business Administration, Assam University, from 18th February to 24th February, 2011. 

Participated in Seminars/ Conferences/ Symposiums etc.:

  1. Participated in an online webinar on webinar on of “Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” on 8th August 2021 organized by Research Graduate, the best PhD and Masters Consulting Company.
  2. Participated in an online webinar on “The Complete Guide on Review Paper Publication for PhD scholars” on 21th June 2021 organized by Research Graduate, the best PhD and Masters Consulting Company.
  3. Participated in an online webinar on “Basic to advanced guide on Review Paper Writing” on 13th June 2021 organized by Research Graduate, the best PhD and Masters Consulting Company.
  4. Participated the University Distinguished Lecture titled “Higher Education in India in the Post COVID-19” delivered by Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, Chairman of AICTE and special address by Shri Satish Chandra, IAS, Special Chief Secretary, Higher Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. It is organized by SRM University-AP, in association with India's national newspaper, "The Hindu" held on 05th JUNE 2021.
  5. Participated in the International Webinar on “India’s Act East Policy: Perspectives from South East Asian Countries” held on 16th September, 2020 organised by North Eastern Management Association (NEMA), India.
  6. Participated in a webinar on National Education Policy: Emerging Bharat organized by North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong; Shillong Chapter, Indian Science Congress Association, and Student for Holistic Development of Humanity on 25th August 2020.
  7. Participated in a webinar on National Education Policy, 2020 organized by the Department of Business Administration, Assam University on 22nd August 2020.
  8. Participated in an e-Symposium on logistics titled “Emergent North-East India: Strategic and Developmental Imperatives in the BPO” held on July 31, 2020, at 11.00 am organized by IIM Shillong e-Symposia, an initiative of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy Research and Analysis.
  9. Participated in an e-Symposium on logistics titled “Logistics Management in the Emergent North-East India: Strategic and Developmental Imperatives” on July 11, 2020, at 12.15 pm organized by IIM Shillong e-Symposia, an initiative of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Policy Research and Analysis.
  10. Attended an "Exclusive Webinar on "Financial Well Being" on 27th May 2020 by Mr. Ashish Asthana - Digital Evangelist - HDFC Securities.
  11. Participated in an International Seminar on “Data analytics and business research dimensions”, organized by the Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 10th and 11th August, 2018. 
  12. Participated in International Seminar on E-commerce and SMEs for developing economies, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 29th and 30th June, 2016. 
  13. Participated in Synergos on Mapping skills and competencies for future managers, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 9th May, 2015. 
  14. Participated in National Symposium on National Symposium on “Role Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the Development of North-East India”, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 23rd May, 2013. 
  15. Participated in National Symposium on National Symposium on Role of NSEIL and SEBI in the Indian Capital Market, organized by Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 4th April, 2013. 

Seminar/Workshops/Webinars Organized as Co-ordinator:

  1. National Seminar on Entrepreneurship: A Drive towards Socio-Economic Development, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 4th June 2013 as Joint Coordinator.
  2. Organized the International Seminar on Entrepreneurship in the fast-changing society, Department of Management, NEHU, Tura campus on 26th and 27th June, 2014 as Joint Coordinator.
  3. Organized a One-day Workshop on Life Insurance with SBI Life, Tura for the students of 2nd and 4th semesters on 10.05.2022 as the Coordinator.
  4. Organized the International Seminar on Accounting, Finance, Business and Social Sciences ISAFBS’23 on 14th, 15th and 16th September 2023 Organised by the Department of Business Administration, Assam University, Silchar in collaboration with the College of Business and Public Affairs, Alabama A and M University, USA and the Department of Management, North-Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya, India as the National Coordinator.

Awards and Achievements:

  1. Received Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “Migration from Assam and the pattern of consumption of the remittances” in the International Conference on Management, Economics and Social Science (ICMESS)’ organized by Researchfora, Goa during 30th to 31st December, 2019.
  2. Awarded second position in the Literature Review competition organized during the Workshop on Research Planning to Project Writing, by Department of Business Administration, Assam University, from 18th February to 24th February, 2011. 
  3. Adjudged as winning team in the “Recent Eye Catching Innovation Competition” organized by the Department of Business administration, Assam University, Silchar during 5th February 2009.

Administrative Responsibilities/Experience:

  1. Member of the Board of Studies of the Department of Information Technology, NEHU, Meghalaya from 20.09.2022 to 19.09.2025.
  2. Member of Women Welfare Advisory Committee, NEHU, Tura Campus, Meghalaya from 28.07.2022 to 27.07.2025.
  3. Member, Board of Studies in Management, NEHU (08-09-2017 to 07-09-20)
  4. Member of Admission Committee for MBA (General Management and Services Management), 2019.
  5. Member of Admission Committee for revision of PG-MBA Syllabus (general and Services) 2019.
  6. Member of Admission Committee in the department of Agri Business Management and Food Technology, 2018.
  7. Member, Board of Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication, NEHU (08-09-2017)
  8. Member of School Board of Economics, Management and Information Sciences 2015-2017.
  9. Deputy Warden of Girl’s Hostel Permanent Campus from 2016-2017.
  10. Member of Admission Committee for MBA (General Management and Services Management), 2015.
  11. Member, Board of Post Graduate Studies in Management, NEHU (09-09-2013 to 08-09-2016)
  12. Member, Board of Under-Graduate Examination, NEHU (30-12-2012 to 29-12-2015)
  13. Member of Campus Level Purchase Committee, NEHU, Tura Campus, Meghalaya (Since 18.06.2012)
  14. Member of Campus Level Library Committee, NEHU, Tura Campus, Meghalaya. (Since 18.06.2012)
  15. Member of Campus Level Department Affairs Committee, NEHU, Tura Campus, Meghalaya. (Since 18.06.2012)

Professional Affiliation:

  1. Life member of North Eastern Management Association (NEMA).
  2. Member of Silchar Management Association

Training/ Invited Talks/Lectures Delivered as a Resource Person:

  • Delivered invited lectures during a session on “Changing Business Dynamics" for our MBA 2nd semester students, Department of Business Administration, Assam University Silchar on 23rd January, 2025.
  • Delivered invited lectures during a workshop on " Effective Communication and Skill Development " for BBA students organized by the Danish Academy Institute, Silchar, Assam from 8th July to 15th July 2024 as a Resource Person.
  • Delivered a lecture on " Banking, Mergers & Performance" at an International Seminar on Accounting, Finance, Business and Social Sciences ISAFBS’23 Organised by the Department of Business Administration, Assam University, Silchar in collaboration with the College of Business and Public Affairs, Alabama A and M University, USA and the Department of Management, North-Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya, India on 16th September 2023 as a Resource Person.
  • Delivered a lecture on "Trends in Finance and taxation" at an International Seminar on Accounting Finance and Business Management (ISAFBM’22) organized by the Department of Business Administration, Assam university on 27th September 2022 as a Resource Person.
  • Delivered a lecture on "Women Agricultural Entrepreneurs" at the 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Advances in Food Science and Technology organized by North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus in Association with Swedish South Asian Network on Fermented Foods, Anand, Gujarat, India during October 26-28, 2021.
  • Delivered a lecture on "Economic Independence and Education for Women" at a Workshop for female employees of Power System Operation Corporation Ltd (POSOCO) organized by Power System Operation Corporation Ltd (POSOCO), a Government of India Enterprise on 8th July 2021.
  • Delivered a lecture on "Women Entrepreneurship –Problems and Prospects" at a Three Days Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Social Change sponsored by ICSSR, NERC, Shillong organized by the Department of Management, NEHU from 21st-23rd August 2013.

Other Activities:

  • Moderated a technical session on "Trends in Finance and taxation" at an International Seminar on Accounting Finance and Business Management (ISAFBM’22) organized by the Department of Business Administration, Assam university on 27th September 2022 as a Resource Person.
  • Coordinator for MBA Final Examinations held during September, 2021.
  • Coordinator for MBA Final Examinations held during July-August, 2021
  • Coordinator for MBA Final Examinations held during May, 2021
  • Coordinator for MBA Final Examinations held during March, 2021
  • Moderated a session on Market Linkage in a Webinar: Meghalaya's Agri-Vision 2040 held on 10th & 11th July, 2020 organized by Government of Meghalaya.
  • Teacher in-charge for the Annual Management fest MOSAIC-2019 held on November 15th & 16th 2019.
  • Rapporteur at a technical session on “Information And Communication Technology” in an International Conference on ‘Sustainable Business Management and Information Technology’ organized by Department of Management, Mizoram University & North Eastern Management Association (NEMA) during 31st October & 1st November, 2019.
  • Organized Ethnica-The Ethnic Day (Management Fest) as Coordinator during 2nd and 3rd April, 2019.
  • Served as Observer for UGC-NET Examinations during June, 2016.
  • Assistant Editor for the International Journal of Applied Management Research (ISSN 2347-2839) of the Department of Management, North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus from July 2013 to August 2019

Editorial Board/Reviewer of Journals:

  • Sage Open Publications Journal
  • Global Business Review, Sage,
  • Asian Journal of Management Cases, Sage.