The OIA and NERC-ICSSR hosted a distinguished foreign policy lecture delivered by Ambassador Mahesh Sachvev, IFS (Retd.)

Date: Dec 7, 2022

The OIA and NERC-ICSSR hosted a distinguished foreign policy lecture delivered by Ambassador Mahesh Sachvev, IFS (Retd.) at NEHU today. The theme of the lecture was entitled, "Identity Politics in South West Africa and South South Africa": Tribal and Ethnic Factors" in which the distinguished diplomat outlined India's perspective on claims of ethnic homelands and internecine clashes. The lecture was presided over by Prof. Bhagirath Panda and it was commented upon by Ambassador Rudi Warjri, IFS (retired). Ambassdor Sachdev explained the impact of colonization on Africa by major Western powers that ended up dividing boundaries and areas in an extremely divisive manner. 

Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor of NEHU and the Chairman of North-East Centre of Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, Shillong acted as the chief guest and exhorted the foreign policy community of India to create grounds of synergy between ASEAN, G20 and African nations. He emphasized the fact that the Office of International Affairs (OIA) of NEHU is facilitating closer international academic exchange that can provide opportunities to not only students and researchers but to the youth in general by creating a platform for knowledge products and service by well-trained youth from Northeastern region. Prof. P.S.Shukla expressed his deep satisfaction at India emerging as Chair of G20 under the leadership of Hon'ble Prime Minister Modi and hoped that in the coming days NEHU and Northeastern region shall find its natural traction with developing and developed countries of the world.