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Head of Department

Prof. Ghanashyam Bez
Email: hodche@nehu.ac.in
Contact: 0364 2307930 2602


Department of Chemistry
North-Eastern Hill University 
Shillong 793 022


  • M.Sc in Chemistry
  • Ph. D in Chemistry
  • Upcoming Events

    Faculty members

    About the Department

    Department profile

    Established in the year 1976, the Department of Chemistry has been imparting higher education in Chemistry by training students through its ongoing MSc and PhD programmes. The academic and research programmes of the Department is designed to enable the students to acquire a good understanding of Chemistry at the molecular level. The department already has developed a strong multidisciplinary character. Its research activities are focussed to rationally employ the knowledge of organic, inorganic, physical and computational chemistry, spectroscopy, and advanced oxidation for the synthesis, characterization, and applications in the field of medicinal chemistry, advanced materials, sensing, atmospheric reactions, and waste water treatment. The research activity of the faculty members of the department is funded by several national funding agencies such as DST, DBT, CSIR, ICMR, DAE-BRNS, UGC, NEC and others. The Department has been recognized by UGC as Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS).

    Academic programme

    The Department offers two-year Master of Science programme with intake capacity of 45 students. The Department also has a strong Ph.D. program and around 60 students are currently working under 15 faculty members.

    Instrumental facilities

    The state-of-the art equipment of the Department is available for the use of post-graduate students and Ph.D. scholars. Students learn to use the instruments in laboratory classes and are then free to use them in their research projects/Ph.D. programmes. Instrumentation facility of the Department is included in the table below. There are over 25 teaching and research labs in the Department, which includes a computer lab. The various research labs contain an assortment of vacuum systems, computers and analytical instrumentation.

    Instruments Make and Model
    UV-vis Spectrophotometer Agilent Technologies Cary 60
    UV-vis Spectrophotometer Mapada UV-6100PCS
    HRMS Waters Xevo G2-XS QTOF
    Electrochemical Workstation CHI 600C
    Flash chromatograph Biotage Isolera One
    Gas Chromatograph Bruker 430-GC
    Single crystal X-ray Diffractometer Agilent Gemini
    HPLC Waters 515
    Microwave Reactor Anton Paar Monowave 200
    Synthesis Reactor Anton Paar Monowave 50
    Time-Correlated Single Photon
    Counting (TCSPC)
    Photon Technology International
    QM 40
    Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Hitachi F4500
    Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Perlin Elmer LS55
    TGA Perkin Elmer STA-6000
    Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90
    Precision Impedance Analyzer (LCR
    Wayne Kerr 6500B
    Toxicity analyser Modern water Microtox FX
    Ion Chromatography Thermo scientific Dionex ICS-1100
    FT-IR Bruker ALPHA II
    1. Lenovo X3500
    2. DELL Precision 7850
    Tensiometer Kruss K11

    Moreover, Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility (SAIF), NEHU, Shillong facilitates the research activities of the department through the state-of-the-art equipment like NMR, SEM, TEM, ICP-OES, GF-AAS, etc.

    Social out-reach programme

    The Chemistry Club of the Department conducts various social out-reach programmes such as Science awareness workshops in schools, environment awareness programs, and support to under privileged students. Chemistry Club also arranges cultural activities, sports and picnics for the students, research scholars and faculties.