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Head of Department

Dr. S. K. Jha
Email: hodsta@nehu.ac.in
Contact: 0364 2307930 2901


Department of Statistics 
North-Eastern Hill University 
Shillong 793 022 


  • M.Sc. in Statistics
  • M.Phil / Ph.D Statistics
  • Faculty members

    About the Department


    Established in the year 2005 the Department of Statistics has been a part of the School of Physical Sciences and located at the Permanent Campus of North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. The main goal of the Department has been to impart quality education and training and promote theoretical, computational and applied knowledge in the field of Statistical Science. The Department has been able to develop its Computational laboratories with the financial assistance from the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India to develop and meet the challenges of computing skills among the students in this north-eastern region of our country.


    There are 54 students in M.Sc. program and 13 Ph. D scholars working under 3 faculty members during 21-22 session.


    The Department offers two year (4-semester) Master of Science in Statistics and Ph.D. programs in different theoretical and applied areas of Statistics.

    Recognition: The Department got financial support from DST, Government of India under FIST programme.

    Computing Facilities:

    There are 3 Computer Laboratories, out of which 2(two) are dedicated for M.Sc. programs and 1(one) for Research Students. These computers are equipped with Statistical and Computing Softwares like: SPSS, SYSTAT, Minitab, R, etc,..