Department of Environmental Studies

head image

Head of Department

Dr. S. S. Chaturvedi
Contact: 0364 2307930 1156


Department of Environmental Studies, 
North-Eastern Hill University, 
Phone No. 272 1156/ 272 1157


  • M.Sc. in Environmental Studies
  • Ph.D in Environmental Studies
  • Announcements

    Faculty members

    About the Department


    Department of Environmental Studies, initially established as a Centre for Environmental Studies/Eco-development in 1986, has been engaged in teaching, research and advisory/consultancy services. The Department has been striving for the promotion of scientific management of natural resources, and conservation of fragile ecosystems of North-Eastern India. These objectives have been accomplished through the programmes of teaching, research and training. The focal areas of research of the Department are Environmental Monitoring and Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Natural Resource Management and Traditional Knowledge System, Biodiversity Conservation, Geophysical studies and Disaster Management. Currently, M. Sc. and Ph.D. programmes   in Environmental Science are being offered by the department. The research activities of the department are supported by various National and International funding agencies. The faculty members are involved in collaborative research with Institutions in India and abroad. The Department also organizes workshops, and training and awareness programmes towards capacity building, and to inculcate environmental awareness among the people of the region so as to ensure efficient management and sustainable use of the   environment in general and natural resources in particular.


    The courses offered by the Department are:
    1. M.Sc.
    2. Ph.D

    Thrust Area of Research

    Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Monitoring, Traditional knowledge systems, Bioremediation, Forest Management and Environmental Impact Assessment, Disaster management.
