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Head of Department

Prof. P. K. Patra
Email: hodphy@nehu.ac.in
Contact: 0364 2307930 2801


Department of Physics,
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong 793 022


  • M.Sc. in Physics
  • Ph.D in Physics
  • Announcements

    Faculty members

    About the Department


    The department of Physics was established in 1976 with a view to build scientific manpower in this part of the country consistent with the NEHU Act. In the course of several years the Department could attract a wide spectrum of talented faculty and has identified Nuclear Physics (Experimental and Theoretical), Laser Physics (Experimental), Solid State Physics (Experimental and Theoretical) and High Energy/Particle Physics (Theoretical) as the thrust areas in its teaching and research programmes. These areas are included in the list of thrust areas by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

    Apart from conducting M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes, faculty members have been invited by reputed national and international institutions for giving talks on their research contributions. Some members have been offered associateships and senior associateships for collaborative research work.


    Courses offered by the department are
    1. M. Sc
    2. Ph. D

    Thrust Area

    Thrust Area of Research: Solid State Physics, High Energy Physics, Laser Physics and Nuclear Physics. The department has been selected under DST-FIST since July 2001. Compared to the initial strength, the M.Sc. (Physics) admission capacity has been increased nearly four times to meet the growing demand.