Department of Energy Engineering

head image

Head of Department

Dr. Mousam Ghosh
Contact: 0364 2307930 3951


Department of Energy Engineering
School of Technology
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong – 793022


  • B.Tech. in Energy Engineering
  • Ph.D in Energy Engineering
  • Announcements

    Faculty members

    About the Department


    The Department of Energy Engineering (EE) is going to start B. Tech. programme from the year of 2013, under the School of Technology, NEHU, funded by MHRD, Govt. of India.  


    The Department is going to offer four years B.Tech. programme in Energy Engineering. The Department’s prime focus to impart quality, career-oriented engineering education in order to produce manpower pool in the field of Energy Engineering, develop new and efficient energy technologies, R & D and extension activities in diverse areas of renewable energy. The core part of the curriculum embodies scientific and engineering knowledge basic to the profession. The course gave equal emphasis to theoretical papers, practical papers and challenging projects. The curriculum is also enriched with short term training courses in renewable energy to give an exposure corporate sector.