Department of Basic Sciences and Social Sciences

head image

Head of Department

Dr. Phrangstone Khongji
Contact: 0364 2307930 3641


Department of Basic Sciences & Social Sciences 
School of Technology
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong – 793022


  • B.Tech in ECE and IT
  • Announcements

    Faculty members

    About the Department


    The Department was established in the year 2006.

    A. Brief Statement of Academic Activities

    The Department of BSSS is conducting all those core courses of Basic Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences which appear in the 4-year or 8-semester B.Tech Programme in ECE and IT. 

    The teachers of BSSS may also help conduct the courses in the overlapping areas of Basic Sciences and Engineering Sciences, especially in open Elective Papers in Higher Semesters. 

    B. Broad Areas of Research

    Teachers of BSSS are also engaging themselves in research works, besides the routine teaching activity, since the University has this equally important and vital activity too, in its overall Academic Programme.

    The broad areas of research of the Department of Basic Sciences & Social Sciences are in the  interdisciplinary fields of Basic & Applied Mathematics, Basic & Applied Physics, Chemical Science & Technology, Basic & Applied Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology, Basic & Applied Economics and Statistics, and Communicative English. 

    Laboratories in the Department

    There are altogether five Laboratories in the Department, which are in the process of upgradation and  are shaping up to attain the desired standard  in the upcoming Technology Building. These laboratories are:

    1) Physics Laboratory, 2) Chemistry Laboratory, 3) Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 4) Basic Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (Workshop Practice), and 5) Engineering Graphics (Engineering Drawing)