Advertisement for the post of JRF in a DST-SERB research project in the Department of Zoology

Applications are invited for the post of a Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Fellow (1 No.) to be appointed in a DST-SERB funded major research project entitled “Molecular adaptation during exposure to zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles with special reference to oxidative stress, nitric oxide production, expression of heat shock proteins in air-breathing catfish, Clarias batrachus” sanctioned to Prof. N. Saha, Biochemical Adaptation Lab., Department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793022 for a period of 1 year and 4 months. Candidates are requested to send their bio-data with details of their educational qualifications etc. in a plain paper with their full address, telephone number and e-mail address to the undersigned within 15 days of the date of advertisement.


M.Sc. in Zoology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology with a good knowledge in the field of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Animal Physiology. Preference may be given to NET-JRF/GATE qualified candidates.

Emoluments: As per the DST-SERB guidelines


Prof. N. Saha
Principal Investigator, DST-SERB Funded Research Project
Biochemical Adaptation Lab.
Department of Zoology
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong 793022
E-mail: ;
Tel: 0364-2722322 (O); 09436100836 (M)
